i know, i was just saying he could have before he 'disappeared'.

could i have a link to this PSpad?

[edit]nvm i just googled it-- www.pspad.com

    OMG -- el22 you are a godsend. PSpad has everything i need! this is my (win32) editor of choice now! 😃

      Originally posted by Moonglobe
      OMG -- el22 you are a godsend. PSpad has everything i need! this is my (win32) editor of choice now! 😃


        a month later

        I have sworn by arachnophilia (arachnoid.com) since I first learned html. The author has made it flexible enough to handle a wide variety of languages. I've used it for html, perl, php, and Cold Fusion so far.

        It properly colors your code to make it easier to read and find errors. It has some minimal debugging functions, like if I place the cursor right after a bracket or parenthesis, it will highlight it's mate for me so I can easily determine if I have them all properly matched up. No actual engine to run code, though.

        Some other cool things is that it has a built in ftp function (though I use BPFTP instead, and a "code beautify/code compress" function (the one is the opposite of the other). The beautify function is especially handy for those pages that someone half$#%$# put together with a WYSIWYG and handed to me to fix for them.

        The coolest thing is that he's made it completely customizable using macros. If it doesn't yet do something you want it to, chances are you can program it to do it.

        And best of all Arachnophilia does not cost any money. It's not freeware, but careware. I'll let you read his explanation on the website.

          Go to Eclipse.org to get the IDE and go to PHPEclipse.org the php plugin.

          I tried PHPEclipse a few weeks ago and wasn't impressed at all, very disappointed in fact. Am I wrong or you can't even debug using all the great features from Eclipse ? I also tried an other PHP plugin but wasn't able to make it work.

          Recently I also tried GoLive 6 + Zend Debugger using a warez version (can't find a trial !) and was really really bored. It's only GoLive 6 + Zend Studio, it's not even embedded so you can't debug your PHP applications using GoLive 6 ! It's useless 🙁

            Okay, I was kidding about that. You can use Kazaa and download your own copy. :p Man I feel like a chump some days ... paying for things!! That's okay though, it's all 🆒 [/B]

            We should respect and congratulate Macromedia and Adobe for the great job they have done with their Studio MX and Adobe Studio series. Moreover you can easily get trials from the official websites. IMHO only pros can understand why such packages are vital. If quality, delays and cost ring a bell to you, go get your studio today 🙂

              Originally posted by Merve
              I'm just saying that there are so many good free editors on the web that there's no use in buying one.

              Very smart, do you expect developers work for you all the time ? I mean how can you expect developers to maintain a free tool for ever ?

              My opinion is that you should ONLY try softwares that can be used freely as long as you're an individual but bought when you become a pro. This way you support the developers and the community.

              Good example, OpenOffice.org, free for everyone, buy you have to buy StarOffice if you own a business. Isn't that great ?

              There's a solution to everything and saying "don't pay for a freeware editor" doesn't mean anything, it's non sense.

              Don't be selfish, think about the others first (users and developers, the community), then think about your purse 🙂

                Originally posted by goldbug
                Once again, I concur with Buzz. UE rocks, even more so when used properly in a professional environment.

                I'm sorry but you can't compare a simple editor like UE to a WYSIWYG HTML editor like DWMX. Editors are good for hand-code developers, hardcoders but a web designers & developers can't just use a simple editor to design a whole website. I mean seriously. Using an editor to design a page, form, tables... You waste too much time so the company you work for lose a lot of money.

                I'm not for 100% WYSIWYG, I also use editors but when it comes to visual, editors can't help. They only slow you down.

                  Originally posted by Moonglobe
                  ConTEXT is a dead editor. checkout the forums, the developer hasn't responded in like a year. i've been trying to find a good replacement...

                  that's for win32, on Linux i use Kate. very simple to customize, my one gripe is that it puts PHP under 'Scripts' in the highlighters list 😉


                  Of course it's dead, it was just a freeware. The guy probably got bored or understood that he can't earn money selling a freeware ahah 🙂

                  I think you should try NoteTab Light/Pro from Fookes Software, Light version is Free and Pro only costs you 20$ !

                    a month later

                    I use phpedit. Dont know if all those you talk about are just as good.

                      I use mostly PHPEdit, mainly for its macro/customization and its syntax highlighting.

                      Sometimes I turn DW MX on just to do a quick design of a web page. Then I imitate the code using PHP in PHPEdit.

                        3 months later

                        I've just started using VIM cos I found that DWMX and Zend studio were too memory heavy for my poor little laptop 🙁

                        Anyway, I've found it excellent. It has syntax highlighting for just about every language under the sun.

                        Does anyone know of any good VIM tutorials? I found the ones that come with it are a bit confusing.

                          Just thought I'd post 'cuz I'm using a new combination of apps all the time now 😃

                          Work: UltraEdit.
                          Home: ArgoUML + QuantaPlus (kde3.2 version)

                          Was using Umbrello, but it completely destroyed a whole days worth of work recently, so I'm Argo from now on. 😃

                            Originally posted by piersk
                            Does anyone know of any good VIM tutorials? I found the ones that come with it are a bit confusing.

                            There's definitely a bit of a learning curve with vim.

                            Here's a vim cheatsheet:

                            basically you need to know vim is a dual moded editor, there's command mode, hit ESC at any time, and you're in command mode, and there's also edit mode, hitting i, a, o, etc in command mode gets you there. Other than that, it's just a bit of memorization and practice of the commands you find most useful.

                            i inserts, o inserts a newline, x deletes a character, dd deletes a whole line, d4d deletes 4 lines, u does an undo, ctrl-r does a redo, shift-ZZ saves and exits, :q! quits without saving. Those are the quickies that I use the most, there's other really tricky tips that makes vim really powerful here:

                            And and the #1 reason I use vim, it's available for windows and linux, so I can use the same editor no matter what OS I'm running at the moment.

                              Originally posted by gid
                              And and the #1 reason I use vim, it's available for windows and linux, so I can use the same editor no matter what OS I'm running at the moment.

                              What about JEdit? 😃

                                Originally posted by goldbug
                                Work: UltraEdit.
                                Home: ArgoUML

                                Are you MAAAAD? I had to use that for a couple of my Uni courses and hated it!

                                What do you use it for?

                                  Originally posted by piersk
                                  Are you MAAAAD? I had to use that for a couple of my Uni courses and hated it!

                                  What do you use it for?

                                  I'm assuming you're talking about ArgoUML and not Ultraedit (ultraedit is tha bomb)....
                                  I use it for general UML Class diagrams, to help plan them out, get relationships/dependencies down, etc. Argo can export the diagrams as PHP (or C++/Java/C#) code, so basically all I have to do is the actual implementation, and save time by not typing the same class structure every time.