Got myself into some trubble, trying to install Zend Studio Client 2.6 on my old PII 400MhZ 128RAM.
First, when I've downloaded the installer (trial version) it loads and the wizard shows up. I click the next button. The computer reboots, with no warning. I try a few times more, the same result.
So I go for another solution. I connect to my other computer, a PIII 733MhZ, 256 RAM, where the program works excellent, and transfer the installd program (the C:\program\Zend directory). Then I run bin\ZDE.exe, and the little ugly "loading"-window appears in the middle of the screen. It says something like "Loading window system". Then, the IDE opens, but where all small windows and toolbars should be, it's just gray. Everything is gray. For 1/10 second. Then the computer reboots.
I try again, same thing... Reallt weird =(
Anyone got a solution?