I am just wondering if I am the only one that sits here all day to help people, and when you try to help them, or ask them more questions so you can help them, they
a) either never respond, so they never get helped
b) respond with a negative response that is irritating, or they don't even try to answer your question at all
c) they give you a problem like the following
i have a script that does blah, and blah, etc.... blah more blah....etc......
and it says this
parse error on line 6445
here is the code
wow, ever heard of debug
yeah i am venting, but it is so frustrating trying to help people when they don't
even try and help themselves first, my biggest pet peave?? is
troubleshoot your code
throw echos in here, echos in there to see what ifs, whiles, fors, etc....
you are certainly getting into
echo your query strings to see what it is trying to run, etc
i guess what i am trying to say is
now don't get me wrong, i love helping people, but as i said it is very frustrating sometimes