Yey!!! I get to be first. Here we go:
Name: Piers Karsenbarg
Kids names/ages: Hey,I'm only 24. I'm too young for kids!
Pets types/names: No pets, but I'd like a cat
Meaning behind your username: I first joined PHPBuilder before took over and piers had already been taken. When I was asked to re-register, I got confused, didn't think piers would be available and bythe timeI figured out that it was a new board, I had notched up quite a few posts and couldn't be bothered to start over. Oh, and piersk comes from my first name and my surname 😃
Favorite quote: My first name is Bad.... Last name Luck (old I know)
Most valued posession: The signet ring my parents bought me for my 18th
Fav type of music: See for yourself
Favorite movie: Don't really have one
Favorite computer game: Unreal. I'd like to get Unreal 2 tho.
Favorite computer program: Not really sure
Did OJ do it? Don't know, don't care
Type of car you drive: I don't
Type of car you really drive (the truth please): See above
Fav alchoholic beverage: Good ol' Mr Daniels
Next vacation: length & destination: California/Florida
If you have any superpower in the world, what would it be, and why? TO be able to control fire. Not like Pyro in X2, but like that bloke in season 1 (maybe two) of the X files (remember that?). Why? It'd just be cool
Unique talent: Does reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in three hours count?
Most embarrassing moment: My dad whenever he's drunk. (luckily I don't live at home anymore)
Write a sentence that ends with 'about 5 inches.': The span of my hand is about 5 inches (see, I'm not always rude. 😃 )
Years in the industry: 3
Background: Is this work background? Family background? Personal background?
Focus of work: ?? What does that mean??
Which platform do you use: Windows XP/Ubuntu
Fav PHP editor/IDE: Zend studio
What's your favorite PHP function/why? print (so useful in so many ways)
Tips for the noob: RTFM, STFW, UTSB. Then post on PHPBuilder

Why do you volunteer your time as a moderator? Dunno. Just felt like it at the time.Glad I did tho.

Free for all (anything you'd like to say): Thats the fun over, lets get naked!! (Some things never change)

    I saw it here just minutes after it got created, but decided to wait for sometime, so that mine is different from everyone

    he he he :p

      poke You should closed your bold tags. _

      So why did you choose the bouncy balls as your avatar? 😉

        The bouncy balls are a rip-off of a gif I found on our union bulletin board. That gif had just one ball and so i edited it so there were two bouncing in opposite directions.

          Originally posted by laserlight
          What about your most embarrasing moment? 😉

          Yeah, and I actually see three blank fields. :eek:

          Piers, if'n you wanna cheat, how 'bout "Background: #FFFF00" ?

            Oh picky picky. There Mr Dalecosp, I've now filled in all the questions. Are you happy now?:rolleyes:

              Originally posted by piersk
              Oh picky picky. There Mr Dalecosp, I've now filled in all the questions. Are you happy now?:rolleyes:

              unique talent?

              still missing 😃

                Dammit! I thought I'd got them all:mad:

                  a month later

                  Have just (finally) added a photo of me (well, since everyone else has got one...). Man that's gotta be the chessiest grin around! 2nd only to this --> 😃

                    a year later

                    Bored? Why not:

                    /attach freenode
                    /join #phpbuilder


                      Yeah, cmon piers flood the IRC channel with innuendo.

                        Originally posted by Merve
                        Yeah, cmon piers flood the IRC channel with innuendo.

                        I have a really bad reputation for bein dirty minded don't I. Can't think why...

                        Anyway, the reason I don't come on IRC at the moment is because the only computers I have access to at the moment are on campus and they frown upon IRC.

                        Getting broadband in my house soon tho 😃

                          Which version of The Italian Job? The proper one or that "remake"?

                            Originally posted by Weedpacket
                            Which version of The Italian Job? The proper one or that "remake"?

                            Give me some credit. Nothing can beat the original.

                              Two words. Jason Statham.

                              He definitely beats the original, and it earned him a place in the elite Elizabeth's top 5.

                                Originally posted by Elizabeth
                                Two words. Jason Statham.

                                He definitely beats the original, and it earned him a place in the elite Elizabeth's top 5.

                                Is that along with me, Stolzy and Dalecosp?

                                Actually, where is Dale? I haven't seen him around for a while...

                                  Originally posted by piersk
                                  Is that along with me, Stolzy and Dalecosp?

                                  Actually, where is Dale? I haven't seen him around for a while...

                                  Well, here I am. And I've been on /freenode#phpbuilder, but I noticed you said you'd quit that.

                                  Summertime, y'know...I've lots on the platter, and most of it's outside. Except work.

                                  And work. The more I talk here, the less $$ I bring in. I know have a little flashing red number that pops up whenever I open my intranet site and log in, and it keeps telling me to "work harder, play less, or when the bank starts charging interest in Jan '05, you'll be up to your eyeballs in debt...."

                                  Enough of that.

                                  I in no way expect to be on Elizabeth's top 5. I'm just honored to know her and speak to her when appropriate. If we both find time.

                                  That in no way means I hate Piersk, either. Life's funny, eh?

                                  [edit]What changed? Ex-g/f? "I'm sorry?" or "I'm glad you got that straight?"[/edit]

                                  Should I rent "the Italian Job" and become more culturally enlightened?