Originally posted by piersk
Is that along with me, Stolzy and Dalecosp?
Actually, where is Dale? I haven't seen him around for a while...
Well, here I am. And I've been on /freenode#phpbuilder, but I noticed you said you'd quit that.
Summertime, y'know...I've lots on the platter, and most of it's outside. Except work.
And work. The more I talk here, the less $$ I bring in. I know have a little flashing red number that pops up whenever I open my intranet site and log in, and it keeps telling me to "work harder, play less, or when the bank starts charging interest in Jan '05, you'll be up to your eyeballs in debt...."
Enough of that.
I in no way expect to be on Elizabeth's top 5. I'm just honored to know her and speak to her when appropriate. If we both find time.
That in no way means I hate Piersk, either. Life's funny, eh?
[edit]What changed? Ex-g/f? "I'm sorry?" or "I'm glad you got that straight?"[/edit]
Should I rent "the Italian Job" and become more culturally enlightened?