Name: Elizabeth Naramore
Age: 32
Kids names/ages: Emily/4 and Will/<1
Pets types/names: Bailey the Mutt, Stan the Stray Cat, Cosmo the Newfie
Meaning behind your username: To pay homage to Randy "Macho Man" Savage's wife the lovely Elizabeth. Oh yeah, and it happens to be my name too.
Favorite quote: "nudge nudge, say no more"
Most valued possession: A Bible my grandfather carried throughout WWII, my photo albums
Fav type of music: Ska, 80's alternative, new wave, some rap/hip-hop mostly old school stuff.
Favorite movie: Sixteen Candles, Blazing Saddles, anything Monty Python
Favorite computer game: Quake & UT
Favorite computer program: Not sure.
Did OJ do it? Doesn't matter what I think b/c a jury acquitted him
Type of car you drive: Subaru Forester or Kia Sorento
Type of car you really drive (the truth please): Since we donated the Eagle Talon to charity, I have only the Forester, snif snif
Fav alchoholic beverage: Bailey's on the rocks, Killian's, or any cheap beer- the cheaper the better.
Next vacation: length & destination Who knows, but if I had my say it'd be Grand Cayman for about a month.
If you have any superpower in the world, what would it be, and why? I would love to be Samantha from Bewitched because she could just whip up anything with a twitch of her nose- you know, a full 7 course meal... a clean house... a new outfit... she could have probably done programming too if they would have let her back then.
Unique talent: Finding 4 leaf clovers
Most embarrassing moment: There are so many, it's hard to pick- but probably the most embarassing was when I was Senior Class President and I was giving a "woo hoo" speech to the Senior Class at the beginning of the year... and instead of saying "it's going to be a really successful year, I said "it's going to be a really sexful year." Freudian or just wishful thinking on my part, who knows... but I still remember it. πŸ™‚
Write a sentence that ends with 'about 5 inches.' The difference between first and second place is about 5 inches.
Years in the industry: 7
Background: BS in Organizational Behavior, from Miami University (Ohio, not Florida, people - you know the GMAC BOWL WINNERS and MAC champs!). Always worked with computers, but started a career in corporate marketing until I realized how crappy the corporate world is. Got into Web Development out of necessity for my small company- love it now; wouldn't do anything else. Plan on going back to get my Masters in Computer Science.
Focus of work: E-commerce/web development
Which platform do you use: Windows
Fav PHP editor/IDE: Notepad & Dreamweaver
What's your favorite PHP function/why? "die"... I just think it's humorous.
Tips for the noob: Look for semicolons and close all quotes.

Why do you volunteer your time as a moderator? Because I have no life and can prove it mathematically.

Free for all (anything you'd like to say): Nerds of the world, unite! πŸ˜ƒ

Ahh, my bf drives a Subaru too! πŸ™‚ He's been wanting the WRX instead of his Outback.

Baby on the way? Awwwwww... boy or girl? _ Do you have a name picked out yet?

    Yes the WRX looks a little more "fun" to drive than the forester or the outback... I think I agree with him! πŸ™‚

    Dunno about the boy/girl thing yet- too soon to tell as I'm due in Feb. Got any good suggestions for names?


      Hey, Princess, you need to hang out with the Queen a bit more often. We've been wishing her well on the "family way" thing for quite a while in the EL.....

      OTOH, no one was caring enough to yet ask about names.

      Elizabeth, since you already have Emily and your fave possession is Grandpa's Bible, how 'bout Elisha, Elisha, or Ezekiel? Of course, then, there was that "Elimilech" fella, but let's give the future kid a break, eh?

        Originally posted by dalecosp
        Of course, then, there was that "Elimilech" fella, but let's give the future kid a break, eh?

        Yes, considering his/her genetic family tree, he/she already has no chance to be normal. I'd at least give him/her a head start with a normal name. πŸ™‚


          Perhaps; willing to wager, though, he/she will be handsome/pretty.

          Heh, heh, another "be nice to E" post!!!


            Your "be nice to Elizabeth" post stats are improving, dalecosp- more than I can say for some others out there... ahem πŸ˜‰


              4 days later

              Speaking of Mods' Bods (yeah, though, I'm still gonna be nice...)

              How ya' feelin?

                I feel great, thanks! Nauseous for a bit, but over that now... and it's so liberating being able to eat whatever you want and not really care about calories. πŸ™‚


                  What cravings did you have with Emily and what ones do you have now?

                  I heared somewhere (but I might be making this upπŸ˜• ) that cravings are your body's way of telling you what food it needs, i.e. a craving for OJ (not simpsonπŸ˜ƒ ) means that you need more vitamin C.

                    With Emily I really craved donuts, but this time around I haven't really wanted anything special. I had also heard that - about your body craving what it's lacking... especially for vegetarians- I'd heard that they begin craving meat for the first time (because a prego body needs sooo much protein), but thankfully I didn't have that and a big ol burger still kind of grosses me out πŸ™‚

                    I think my hub is thankful he doesn't have to make the late-night trips to Dunkin Donuts this time around.. at least not yet πŸ™‚


                      oh, come on, no cravings for mashed potatoes w/ ketchup splattered all about

                      // notice reference to the movie "Licensed to Drive" w/ the Corey's

                        if ($craving=="chocolate") {
                           echo "Your bod needs calcium...";
                        elseif ($craving=="sweets in general"; {
                           echo "Your bod needs protein";
                        // midwife friend of mine says this is true for most women...

                        BTW, pretty pic ... quite better than the one BuzzLY posted...

                        p.s. My wife sez 1st baby made from Twix and Gatorade...

                          Originally posted by dalecosp
                          p.s. My wife sez 1st baby made from Twix and Gatorade...

                          Umm.. that's kind of personal, don't you think? πŸ˜ƒ


                            I guess you use the gatorade to soften the ends of the twix so's they'd stick together.

                              actually, elimelech is a pretty powerful name... el = god (as in a god, not God.... like how we say the roman gods....) eli = my god (add an i to a noun, it becomes 'mine') melech = king.

                              if he was in israel, people would just shorten it to Eli... thats a pretty common name....

                                Wow, ep- that's pretty cool! That's a lot of responsibility on such a little person though πŸ™‚

                                And Weed- all I have to say is "ew."


                                  Alright, alright... move along, nothing to see here!!

                                  Twix and Gatorade was all that would stay down the first trimester on the first child, hence, my joke.

                                  Too personal? Dunno; most of her girlfriends know this joke.

                                  Pizza and strawberries were off limits for about 3 years afterward...we won't discuss exactly why, but it won't take a brain the size of Weedpacket's to figure it out...

                                  Once again, best wishes on your expected new family member, regardless of name or dietary intake during pregnancy!!!

                                    21 days later

                                    Ya know Beth, I just noticed you had your pic up there, but my telescope isn't high zoom enough to see the miniature pic!

                                    Oh well, guess I'll see a pic of ya later anyway, huh!