Name: Elizabeth Naramore
Age: 32
Kids names/ages: Emily/4 and Will/<1
Pets types/names: Bailey the Mutt, Stan the Stray Cat, Cosmo the Newfie
Meaning behind your username: To pay homage to Randy "Macho Man" Savage's wife the lovely Elizabeth. Oh yeah, and it happens to be my name too.
Favorite quote: "nudge nudge, say no more"
Most valued possession: A Bible my grandfather carried throughout WWII, my photo albums
Fav type of music: Ska, 80's alternative, new wave, some rap/hip-hop mostly old school stuff.
Favorite movie: Sixteen Candles, Blazing Saddles, anything Monty Python
Favorite computer game: Quake & UT
Favorite computer program: Not sure.
Did OJ do it? Doesn't matter what I think b/c a jury acquitted him
Type of car you drive: Subaru Forester or Kia Sorento
Type of car you really drive (the truth please): Since we donated the Eagle Talon to charity, I have only the Forester, snif snif
Fav alchoholic beverage: Bailey's on the rocks, Killian's, or any cheap beer- the cheaper the better.
Next vacation: length & destination Who knows, but if I had my say it'd be Grand Cayman for about a month.
If you have any superpower in the world, what would it be, and why? I would love to be Samantha from Bewitched because she could just whip up anything with a twitch of her nose- you know, a full 7 course meal... a clean house... a new outfit... she could have probably done programming too if they would have let her back then.
Unique talent: Finding 4 leaf clovers
Most embarrassing moment: There are so many, it's hard to pick- but probably the most embarassing was when I was Senior Class President and I was giving a "woo hoo" speech to the Senior Class at the beginning of the year... and instead of saying "it's going to be a really successful year, I said "it's going to be a really sexful year." Freudian or just wishful thinking on my part, who knows... but I still remember it.
Write a sentence that ends with 'about 5 inches.' The difference between first and second place is about 5 inches.
Years in the industry: 7
Background: BS in Organizational Behavior, from Miami University (Ohio, not Florida, people - you know the GMAC BOWL WINNERS and MAC champs!). Always worked with computers, but started a career in corporate marketing until I realized how crappy the corporate world is. Got into Web Development out of necessity for my small company- love it now; wouldn't do anything else. Plan on going back to get my Masters in Computer Science.
Focus of work: E-commerce/web development
Which platform do you use: Windows
Fav PHP editor/IDE: Notepad & Dreamweaver
What's your favorite PHP function/why? "die"... I just think it's humorous.
Tips for the noob: Look for semicolons and close all quotes.
Why do you volunteer your time as a moderator? Because I have no life and can prove it mathematically.
Free for all (anything you'd like to say): Nerds of the world, unite!