Hi all,

I hope this is the correct forum for this.

I have a quick question about pre-made forum scripts (like on www.hotscripts.com). I wish to use a forum script to run a bulletin board on my site, but I wish to have restrictions:

  1. No-one can register - I resgiter the users myself.
  2. Public cannot read/view post any messages - only registered users who are logged in can.
  3. When registered users are logged in and decide to post either a new topic or reply, the message is NOT made live - and email is sent to me informing me of the message (either the body of the message or a link to it) which I can then activate or delete.

Any ideas on the best script for this? phpBB is good, but isn't designed to do exactly this.

Any help appreciated,


    phpBB is designed to do most of the requirements that you wrote. Also, invisionboard fulfils all your requirements.

    On both boards:

    1. disallow anyone from registering. You should be able to use the admin side to add new users.

    2. change the settings on the forums so that you have to be logged in to do anything

    3. I'm pretty sure that both the boards I mentioned above have the facility to make sure that you (the admin) have to verify each post before it goes live.

    A note about number 3: if you only have a few users that won't be posting very regularly, then this is fine. However, if there are going to be a lot of posts made, it might be worth getting someone to help you out with this (maybe make them a moderator?)

    Hope this helps.

      Thanks, that does help. I did install phpBB but it didn't seem to have all the settings I required (and far too many others I don't want)

      I will try invison and see how that goes, thanks. As for the postings, there will only be a limited amount of users posting now and then, so moderating will be a doddle for me.



        I prefer invision board because one of the things you can do is assign particular users and get it to email them with new usernames and passwords.

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