Ok guys, you asked it you have it. No more threat mails please

Photos:- I am HOT, rt?
Name: Jayant Kumar Gandhi
Age: 20 years, 9 months, 19 days (as on August 13 2003, 7:00am IST)
Kids names/ages: - i am still a bachelor. ( wanna help having some names here? pm me 😉 ) -
Pets types/names: - none -
Meaning behind your username: mark of respect towards myself 😃
Favorite quote: "I reserve my comments." / fits everywhere
Most valued possession: My Confidence
Fav type of music: Ghazals
Favorite movie: Sholey
Favorite computer game: might start playing when I get my 256mb nVidia GeForce (the latest one, probably not released yet)
Favorite computer program: astrology programs, no one speaks more lies than them.
Did OJ do it?: Whoz OJ? and what did he do?
Type of car you drive: none. I fly a MIG.
Type of car you really drive (the truth please): Maruti 800 DX, but prefer driving scooter/bike in Delhi. Especially useful in traffic jams.
Fav alcoholic beverage: - don't drink -
Next vacation: lets c if i get time
Unique talent: many. will have to think which onez the best
Most embarrassing moment: 3+3 = 9, I am standing with my friends in a corridor swearing at a teacher and the teacher comes from behind and says "Hello Jayant! How r u?".
Write a sentence that ends with 'about 5 inches' Guys! got something almost cylindrical which has a length of about 5 inches?
Years in the industry: -1 (I will complete Bachelor's degree in June 2004. No full time experience until now)
Background: I am having pain in my neck, so can't see the background. No mirrors nearby.
Focus of work: keeps loosing focus. from web dev to research to timepass
Which platform do you use: Windows 98,XP Pro, Linux 7,8
Fav PHP editor/IDE: UltraEdit (it is a text editor cum hex editor cum .. cum .... cum ...... and still very light weight)
What's your favorite PHP function/why? phpinfo()/ prints a hell lotta info.
Tips for the noob: Never read any book. The Manual is the Bible.

Why do you volunteer your time as a moderator? Like to kill time.

Free for all (anything you'd like to say): <insert something witty here>

Originally posted by jayant

Did OJ do it?: Whoz OJ? and what did he do?

You really don't know who OJ is? Ok, OJ is Orenthal James Simpson, OJ Simpson, famous football player that was accused of killing his ex-wife and her lover, but was found innocent!

    didnt knew.

    though i genreally try to remain in touch w/ football, f1 news apart from cricket

      Originally posted by jayant
      Ok guys, you asked it you have it. No more threat mails please

      Tch finally 😉

      Write a sentence that ends with 'about 5 inches' Guys! got something almost cylindrical which has a length of about 5 inches?

      Lets keep it clean here people... 😃

        Originally posted by piersk
        Lets keep it clean here people... 😃

        Why? Did your ballpoint pen leak?

          why does it have to be a ballpoint pen...

            Originally posted by planetsim
            why does it have to be a ballpoint pen...

            Exactly what I was hinting at. Oh, well, you know what they say: Mind like a welsh railway...

              Originally posted by piersk
              Exactly what I was hinting at. Oh, well, you know what they say: Mind like a welsh railway...

              Dont you have feet? Aren't they almost cylendrical and are about 5 inches long


                Dunno bout yours, but mine aren't cylindrical...

                  Originally posted by piersk
                  Dunno bout yours, but mine aren't cylindrical...

                  I said almost cylindrical.

                  also the part of the arm from shoulder to elbow will also be almost cylindrical and about 5 inches 😃

                    Originally posted by jayant
                    I said almost cylindrical.

                    also the part of the arm from shoulder to elbow will also be almost cylindrical and about 5 inches 😃

                    And it's a well-known bit of trivia that the length of a person's arm from the elbow to the wrist is the same as the length of their foot.

                    It's less well-known that people's feet are about half a foot long....

                    I mean, what benighted backwaters still use inches?

                      Originally posted by Weedpacket
                      I mean, what benighted backwaters still use inches?

                      Seems like when you see a big wave having the energy to lift you and drop you in hell, you ignore and assume it to be peaceful backwaters :p

                        Originally posted by Weedpacket
                        And it's a well-known bit of trivia that the length of a person's arm from the elbow to the wrist is the same as the length of their foot.

                        Hmm.. that bit of trivia doesnt work for me.. i must be a freak.

                          Originally posted by planetsim
                          Hmm.. that bit of trivia doesnt work for me.. i must be a freak.

                          Well, we couldn't bring ourselves to tell you...

                            14 days later


                            reading though your post I saw you're into f1. Good to hear 🙂 What're your thoughts and predictions on the current season?

                            I think we finally have a good fight on our hands with Ferrari in a bit of trouble and Mclaren and Williams so close behind. I almost managed to make it to Silverstone this year but unfortnuately couldn't. Missed that guy running down the hanger straight 😃


                              a year later

                              Originally posted by jayant
                              didnt knew.

                              though i genreally try to remain in touch w/ football, f1 news apart from cricket

                              Except they're Yanks so they don't mean football, they mean 'American Football'. You know, the one that you play with your hands - Rugby for whimps.

                                a year later
                                Weedpacket wrote:

                                I mean, what benighted backwaters still use inches?

                                Here in "them that Ozark Hills", few know much about anything else. AAMOF, go to any US hardware store and look for a "metric tape measure". Less common than one might think....

                                  10 years later
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