Photos: I'm the guy in the tux ...
Name: Micheal Cottingham
Age: 19
Kids names/ages: Bachelor, of course.
Pets types/names: Batty (pet rat, likes to crawl on ceiling of her cage, black like a rat, and yes, rats make good pets), Three Legs (three-legged cat), Sissy (sissy of a cat ...), Mahana (lap cat, ugly, but pretty 😛), Cricket (loved to pounce on crickets as a kitten), and a couple of others we haven't named yet.
Meaning behind your username: dotwebbie. Refers to my internet addiction 😛
Most valued possession: My intelligence
Fav type of music: classical
Favorite movie: Haven't picked one ...
Favorite computer game: Don't really play, but when I do, I like Warcraft II and Worms Armageddon.
Favorite computer program: Does phpBB count? 😃 If not, I'd have to say emacs for command line, and kate for X11.
Type of car you drive: Depends. 😛 2000 Pontiac Aztec, 1999 F150, or 1997 Plymouth Voyager.
Type of car you really drive (the truth please): I just told you. 😛
Fav alcoholic beverage: Don't drink
Next vacation: I'll let you know whenever I get time. 😛
Unique talent: I'm rather flexible, so I can put my leg behind my head.
Most embarrassing moment: Pick one 😛
Years in the industry: No full-time work as of yet.
Background: I'm in one of the college's computer labs, so computers and people behind me. 😛 Erm, I moved around a lot as a child because my dad's job required him moving.
Focus of work: Jack of all trades. 😛 Computer repair work, web dev, and programming, for the most part.
Which platform do you use: Windows XP Pro, 2k pro, SuSE 8.2 Personal
Fav PHP editor/IDE: Emacs for remote shelling, and kate when I am on X11.
What's your favorite PHP function/why? hrm, besides phpinfo(), I'd have to say ... Wait, I can't name a custom function, can I? 😛 mysql_query(), because you can get yourself in a lot of trouble. 😛
Tips for the noob: Source code is the best place to start looking and learning, then move on to the manual.

Why do you volunteer your time as a moderator? I want to meet girls. Oh wait, this isn't a club. 😛 I enjoy helping people.

Free for all (anything you'd like to say): / This is NOT a comment/

    Glad to see you're back, you gonna stay for here for awhile this time...

      Why does everybody reverse the pet types/names?

      Anyway, great to meet you for the first time, dotwebbie...thought that you were one of those mods that kinda just left...

        11 days later

        Interesting comment Merve...

        For the same reason we use associative arrays...

        The human mind is stimulated by memory triggers. So the pets name is the trigger for all that they know about that particular animal. Thus the mind will usually cause us to type the trigger first, so that it has time to think (it stalls) to query itself for the rest of the info. It is also more personal that way.

        So why is the question asked in that order then?

        Because it causes the responder to realize that the type of animal is required and valued. Thus they will give us the name and some info on type, etc.

        Hmmmmm.... What can we learn about PHP from this...?

          whoa......... no need for a seriously psychological discussion in this forum lol.

            Wasn't meant to be serious... Just interesting... 😉

              lol. My psychology professor would love you, PHatPropz. :p

                5 days later

                You sure know your psychology...interesting, considering I think everybody did that...but I know for sure that I wouldn't...(or at least I think I wouldn't) I have only been programming in PHP for a half-year now. Whereas, the mods have been programming in it for much longer. I'm starting to see the connection here.

                One may say that it doesn't matter if it's a half a year. A half year is a long time. Still, I haven't worked much with associative arrays, so it hasn't subconciously penetrated my head.

                  Well it has only been about 6 months for me as well. I am really not a big psychology buff or anything, of course how can we not be in life? I just thought it was a good situation to compare associative arrays to. I am a bit mental so psychologists are my enemies... Right?

                    Originally posted by PHatPropz
                    I am a bit mental so psychologists are my enemies... Right?

                    Right 😃

                      If psychologists are your enemies, that makes me and Moonglobe your enemies too! :p

                        If psychologists are your enemies, that makes me and Moonglobe your enemies too!

                        Well if its on then its on! I must warn you I am very crazy though. I once stepped on this guy's chest and then shot myself in the foot, if you follow my logic. :p j/k

                        Are you guys psychos? I mean psychologists? Really that is what I meant... 😃

                          We take care of the PEBoD (paranoid/evil beaver of death). Read almost any thread in the Echo Lounge and you'll find out all about him.

                            I refuse to talk with underlings...

                            Take me to your beaver!

                              He's sleeping right now. He just ate a guy named....STOLZYBOY?! Bad beaver! Bad beaver! Very, very, very, very, very bad beaver!

                              Stolzyboy, you okay? I was afraid the beaver ate you!

                              I'm going to have to chastise that damn beaver...and in case you didn't notice, I am not an underling, and neither is Moonglobe. He owns the PEBoD (or does the PEBoD own him?) and I am the caretaker of that paranoid beaver.

                                My bad you are not an underling, you're the beaver's butler. Well I don't talk to hired help. Answer the door cause daddy's home! :p

                                  Originally posted by PHatPropz
                                  Take me to your beaver!

                                  Does that one actually work?😃

                                  /me manages to lower the tone of yet another thread! :rolleyes:

                                    The beaver is with Moonglobe right's not with me. Trust me.

                                      12 days later

                                      I just noticed that dotwebbie has responded to any responses here.

                                      You know, read this thread, I think I understand why. I'm going to see my psychologist... 😃


                                      once shot a beaver...