Hi, I am new to mysql and am trying to figure out how to connect to my database via dreamweaver. When I try, I get this error:

HTTP Error Code 404 File Not Found. Here are some possible reasons for the problem:

1) There is no testing server running on the server machine.
2) The testing service for this site does not map to the URL. Verify that the URL Prefix maps to the root of the site.

What URL Prefix do I need to enter to make this work? I have tried my domain name, my IP, localhost and my web document path. I don't know what else I need to put in there.

Thanks so much for any help!

    9 days later

    Hmm. If you don't have a testing server, you should configure the testing server's parameters to be exactly the same as your live server, using Site > Edit Site.

      what kind of server are you running IIS, Apache???

      Is php properly installed?

        3 years later

        We have managed to set up a testing server with php 4.1.10a, which has a myphpadmin 2.6.1 direct internet browser interface.

        I can access this system and have already migrated an Access database across sucessfully and run several queries across it.

        This is where the problem starts...

        Dreamweaver MX. I am trying to set up this server as a testing server with little success.

        If I put <?php phpinfo(); ?> into a .php file on this testing server, I cannot get it to open using standard http://servername/phpinfo.php formatting.

        If I open it directly over the network i.e. \mysqlserver\phpinfo.php, it purely shows the code.

        I believe that this is where I am now having difficulty setting up the testing server in Dreamweaver.

        I can manage to see the files in the expanded files view (not tricky) but the problem seems to lie with the URL prefix address for the root.

        The root over the network is \mysqlserver\databasefolder

        I have tried (among others)

        http://mysqlserver/database folder/

        and yet, in my database adding panel, the testing server still shows as not done.

        Also, when I try to add a database connection and select a database from the mysql php option, It doesn't allow me to select a database, displaying the following message:

        http error code 404 file not found. Here are some possible reasons for the problem:

        1) There is no testing server running on the server machine
        2) The testing server specified for this site does not map to the / URL. Verify that the URL prefix maps to the root of the site.


          I was running into this same exact problem with my database just a few days ago...first off, look for the '_mmServerScripts' folder that is located in/nearest to your site...if this does not exist in your sites root folder, do a search for it, and then just make a copy of it to your root directory...this is what did it for me...hope it helps you...not sure where to start for the php code stuff right this moment...kinda too early for me.

            a year later

            ok, I was having this problem myself and I finally fixed it. You have to make sure the "URL prefix" that you set under the "Testing Server" option in the "Site Manager" is the same as the "HTTP address" that you have set under "Local Info" in the "Site Manager".

            I made them the same and now all is well. Best of Luck,

            -Mike HyperActive Busuttil

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