Name: Michael Kelso Glass Jr. (Yes, Michael Kelso. Like the character on That 70's Show)
Age: 3 dozen
Pets types/names: Cats, Cole and Sunny
Meaning behind your username: I'm a huge Pixar fan. Buzz is my favorite character.
Favorite quote: It's in my sig: With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it's still a beautiful world.
Most valued possession: My thumbs. If I didn't have thumbs, allmysentenceswouldlooklikethisbecauseIcouldn'ttypespaces. Plus, I couldn't emulate the Fonz.
Fav type of music: I listen to almost anything as long as it has some sort of rhythm.
Favorite movie: Toy Story
Favorite computer game: Tie: Quake / Roller Coaster Tycoon (I like either killing people or acting as a god, I suppose)
Favorite computer program: QBASIC
Did OJ do it? According to a jury of his peers, no. God Bless America.
Type of car you drive: Blue 1998 Saturn SL2
Type of car you really drive (the truth please): Sigh. Fine. It's green, and 1997.
Fav alchoholic beverage: Woodchuck Hard Cider
Next vacation: Universal Studios Islands of Adventure.
If you have any superpower in the world, what would it be, and why? Never need to sleep. More time for porn.
Unique talent: Penny Flicking
Most embarrassing moment: Having to take a shower for the first time in high school. Honestly, I had to think about that -- I don't get embarrassed.
Write a sentence that ends with 'about 5 inches.' When I took a shower for the first time (in high school), everyone pointed at me and laughed, because I slipped on a bar of soap and missed cracking my head on a wall by about 5 inches.
Years in the industry: 10
Which platform do you use: Windows XP, 2000
Fav PHP editor/IDE: UltraEdit
What's your favorite PHP function/why? mysql_fetch_assoc() - Have you tried the equivalent with ASP???
Tips for the noob: UYFB (translation: god gave you a brain, use it)
Why do you volunteer your time as a moderator?Skated along so far with moderating, finally got caught by John.
Free for all (anything you'd like to say): I think this says it all:
I said a hip, hop, the hippie, the hippie to the hip hip hop, you dont stop the rock it to the bang bang boogie said up jumped the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat.