ASP? what are you, in the dark ages? I for one would be useing .NET, probably Perl.NET if i can get my hands on it.
Proposing another PHP vs Rant
I don't put myself in that position very often. You can have all the ASP, .NET, MS stuff ya want. I'm fortunate enough to have ownership over most of my servers, and the ones using Windoze, I still have control over the DB and apps
well ive never worked with a windows server, but im just saying that if Perl.NET turns out to be effiecient enough to use, and i had to use .NET, that's what i'd go with.
So if you are on *NIX you would always choose LAMP ?
Another question, what about verity? I really need a tool that indexes content of .doc, .pdf, .xls, etc for LAMP. Until today I havent been able to search within MS Office documents and it sucks cause is the format chosen by everyone (almost)
personally i prefer using RTF.......
Originally posted by abx_2112
ColdFusion has some client side stuff... very few ppl uses them though.
So what's client-side about that? It still gets processed by the server and the client still receives HTML and optionally some Javascript. It's perfectly feasible to write a PHP library to do the same thing. Cripes, old CGI.PM could do that!
Originally posted by keith73
Another advantage of PHP is it's portable. You can write your code on a linux server and move it to Solaris or to Windows with only minor changes if any.
Actually, if you do it right, all PHP coded sites can be cross platform with no changes at all. The trick is to use relative paths rather than absolute.
But you're correct. It's the right tool for the right job.
Originally posted by abx_2112
So if you are on *NIX you would always choose LAMP ?
Another question, what about verity? I really need a tool that indexes content of .doc, .pdf, .xls, etc for LAMP. Until today I havent been able to search within MS Office documents and it sucks cause is the format chosen by everyone (almost)
there are perl modules that can read and write .xls but I always tell folks to save the .xls file as .csv before uploading. You don't need all that formatting and calculations in a datafile.
php has some pdf capabilities. I've never used them before.
If microsoft would stick to open document standards, open source languages would easily be able to read and write word docs. But because they don't play nice with others, sometimes the only way to go would be with a Micorsoft solution. You could run them together. Write all of your php code for everything but use the cold fusion for the document handling stuff.
- keith
Originally posted by keith73
If microsoft would stick to open document standards, open source languages would easily be able to read and write word docs. But because they don't play nice with others
Because if they did "play nice" they wouldn't make any money!
Oh, and g*d forbid Mr Gates loses his "Richest man in the world" status
Originally posted by Weedpacket
So what's client-side about that? It still gets processed by the server and the client still receives HTML and optionally some Javascript. It's perfectly feasible to write a PHP library to do the same thing. Cripes, old CGI.PM could do that!
I agree. I was just pointing out why somebody else said CF is "server side and client side". Keep in mind there ARE libraries which already do that (PEAR QuickForm) even though I'd prefer to use my own code.
The thing about PEAR (and other libraries) is that, even though it adresses the need for a framework, it's not that mature yet. This is an issue I really look forward to be improved.
Originally posted by keith73
If microsoft would stick to open document standards, open source languages would easily be able to read and write word docs. But because they don't play nice with others, sometimes the only way to go would be with a Micorsoft solution. You could run them together. Write all of your php code for everything but use the cold fusion for the document handling stuff.
Microsoft has tried on in court the claim that they want to keep the .doc format closed "for security reasons". I'm not sure the judge believed it.
Originally posted by LordShryku
Oh, and g*d forbid Mr Gates loses his "Richest man in the world" status
Is he? I thought it was the Sultan of Brunei or someone like that...
This is a year old, but the closest one to him was his buddy Warren Buffet.
Fair enough. my bad
Originally posted by piersk
Fair enough. my bad
You got that right, YOUR bad.
Problem is, Forbes only lists U.S. citizens. But of course the richest person on Earth is naturally going to be one of those...
Originally posted by Weedpacket
Problem is, Forbes only lists U.S. citizens. But of course the richest person on Earth is naturally going to be one of those...
Yes, but if you look at the one I showed, there are a couple out of staters on the list. I just couldn't find one like this for 2003, but I'm pretty sure Karl and Theo didn't double their wealth in the last year.
Gates, William H. III, United States, 46, $52.8, Microsoft
Buffett, Warren E., United States, 71, $35.0, Berkshire Hathaway
Albrecht, Karl and Theo, Germany, $26.8, retail
Allen, Paul G., United States, 49, $25.2, Microsoft
Ellison, Lawrence J., United States, 57, $23.5, Oracle
Walton, Jim C., United States, 54, $20.8, Wal-Mart
Walton, John T., United States, 56, $20.7, Wal-Mart
Walton, Alice L., United States, 53, $20.5, Wal-Mart
Walton, S. Robson, United States, 58, $20.5, Wal-Mart
Walton, Helen R., United States, 82, $20.4, Wal-Mart
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned; It's been I dunno how long since my last confession.
I flamed a person today.
You are forgiven my son. Say three Hail Mary's then go back and kick him in the balls.