At the risk of sounding like an idiot (which I do a lot 🙂 ), I had a customer bitching about an annoying pop-up on our site. Despite my efforts to ease her mind in that we have NO pop-ups on our site, I suggested that perhaps it was an IE security pop-up (you know- the "do you wish to display the non-secure images" one).

She responded with this in an email and I have NO idea what she's talking about:

I went to your website this morning and up popped the
"popper." This is what it said..."Chat ....Gifts for gifts for engineers." Then down below that there was a timer with a sliding bar..and then a caption that said "sound" with round
boxes to check off on and off...and below that there
were round boxes to check off save, email, print.

I'm racking my brain but can't recreate what she's seeing- she is using IE but that's all she could tell me, she knows nothing about computers, so she says.

Has anyone seen this or can anyone visualize this pop-up?

We do have a customer chat program on our site, which is through omnistar, but I've never seen anything like what she is describing.



    She probably has adware on her computer that monitors her surfing and delivers ads based on the type of site she vists! 🙂


      I don't know if this has been addressed by the manufacturers, but I've heard that using both can lead to them stepping on each others' toes. One of them will move a suspicious file and the other will trip over it because it was moved. (or something to that effect).

      Something to keep in mind if they run into a vicious cycle.

        Hmmmm.... I've got popups blocked on my browser, naturally, but it does indicate when it's done so. I have to say that I'm fairly sure that once or twice while knocking 'round the forums I've been flagged to say a popup was blocked.

          Yes Weedpacket,
          an ad on phpbuilder opens a popup (but UNDER all other windows, so don't disturb...), it's something about... well, I forgive it. (so isn't a good ad not? 😃 )

            Tell her politely to be careful of what she downloads and to use a spyware tracker program. People generally are willing to learn about computers and she will definitely follow your advice.

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