Why didn't I write this up earlier?! Anyhow, better late than never right?
Photos: points to the left See avatar.
Name: Dana
Age: 25
Kids names/ages: No kids yet.
Pets types/names: Hopefully getting a puppy soon, once we buy a house.
Meaning behind your username: Just my name, but spelled differently.
Most valued possession: My Knowledge! Is that saying much? =P
Fav type of music: Pop, love songs, 80's, dance music
Favorite movies: Finding Nemo, Toy Story, Monster Inc, Ice Age, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Carribean
Favorite computer game: Bricks? lol I like Dynomite too. Not really into RP games.
Favorite computer program: Adobe Photoshop!
Type of car you drive: 2003 VW Passat
Type of car you really drive (the truth please): I wasn't lying the first time you asked that!
Fav alcoholic beverage: I don't drink.
Next vacation: Probably to Las Vegas with my family one of these days.
Unique talent: I have one? heh
Most embarrassing moment: Too many to name? I trip and fall a lot. =P
Background: I was born in CA, USA. My interest in computers started in the middle of High school when the Internet was really new. I decided to pick Computer Science as my major when I reached the Univ. and at the time, that major was new as well. As the years went on, my new found passion was creating webpages every chance I had. I graduated from the Univ. in 2000 with a CS degree. And before long, I picked up PHP and mysql because I needed to automate a lot of my content. And here I am today... doing the same stuff, for a living (just not on my own domain. heh)
Focus of work: Mostly creating web applications that help automate library functions.
Which platform do you use: Windows 2000
Fav PHP editor/IDE: Macromedia Homesite
What's your favorite PHP function/why? explode() - the name itself sounds fun.
Tips for the noob: Start out with small projects and practice with simple functions before jumping into any large projects. Reading the manual and tutorials always help too.
Why do you volunteer your time as a moderator? I really enjoy helping people as well as learning new things from them.
Free for all (anything you'd like to say): My other hobbies include photography and scrapbooking. They do sorta go hand-in-hand huh? I also enjoy doing artwork but haven't had much time to work on that.
If there's anything you'd like to ask... ask away.