Why didn't I write this up earlier?! Anyhow, better late than never right? 🙂
Photos: points to the left See avatar. 🙂
Name: Dana
Age: 25
Kids names/ages: No kids yet.
Pets types/names: Hopefully getting a puppy soon, once we buy a house.
Meaning behind your username: Just my name, but spelled differently.
Most valued possession: My Knowledge! Is that saying much? =P
Fav type of music: Pop, love songs, 80's, dance music
Favorite movies: Finding Nemo, Toy Story, Monster Inc, Ice Age, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Carribean
Favorite computer game: Bricks? lol I like Dynomite too. Not really into RP games.
Favorite computer program: Adobe Photoshop!
Type of car you drive: 2003 VW Passat
Type of car you really drive (the truth please): I wasn't lying the first time you asked that!
Fav alcoholic beverage: I don't drink.
Next vacation: Probably to Las Vegas with my family one of these days.
Unique talent: I have one? heh
Most embarrassing moment: Too many to name? I trip and fall a lot. =P
Background: I was born in CA, USA. My interest in computers started in the middle of High school when the Internet was really new. I decided to pick Computer Science as my major when I reached the Univ. and at the time, that major was new as well. As the years went on, my new found passion was creating webpages every chance I had. I graduated from the Univ. in 2000 with a CS degree. And before long, I picked up PHP and mysql because I needed to automate a lot of my content. And here I am today... doing the same stuff, for a living (just not on my own domain. heh)
Focus of work: Mostly creating web applications that help automate library functions.
Which platform do you use: Windows 2000
Fav PHP editor/IDE: Macromedia Homesite
What's your favorite PHP function/why? explode() - the name itself sounds fun. 😉
Tips for the noob: Start out with small projects and practice with simple functions before jumping into any large projects. 🙂 Reading the manual and tutorials always help too.
Why do you volunteer your time as a moderator? I really enjoy helping people as well as learning new things from them.
Free for all (anything you'd like to say): My other hobbies include photography and scrapbooking. They do sorta go hand-in-hand huh? I also enjoy doing artwork but haven't had much time to work on that.
If there's anything you'd like to ask... ask away. 😃