These are 2 scripts : one ASP and one PHP. Note that at the end of the ASP code, no objects are freed.
One clue may be that in php we must use
whereas in asp we use
perhaps PHP's implementation of this is flawed somehow ???
Simple SAGE SDO PHP script : running twice causes the web server to
Running a GUI-based SDO application, e.g. Delphi COM server
issues the dialog about user already being logged on.
Clicking YES on this dialog causes the script to run correctly a
second time
and then hang when run a 3rd etc etc etc
Setting any properties of the $oInvoicePost object causes this error
i.e. if the following lines are commented out, the script runs many
times with no problem
$oInvoicePost->Type = intval(sdoLedgerInvoice);
$oInvoicePost->Header->Fields["INVOICE_NUMBER"]->Value =intval($oInvoicePost->GetNextNumber());
$random_seed = date("YmDnnss");
$unique_id = "sage_sky".$random_seed;
$oWS = NULL;
$comobj_name = "sdoengine.10";
$oSDO = new COM($comobj_name) or tcf_throw_error ("Cannot connect to " .$comobj_name);
// create a new workspace
$oWS = $oSDO->Workspaces->Add($workspace_name);
// select the correct sage database
$sage_datapath = $oSDO->SelectCompany($installation_path);
// connect to the database
if (!($oWS->Connect($out, $sage_username, $sage_password,$unique_id))) {
tcf_throw_error ("Failed to connect to sage database at " .$sage_datapath);
$oSalesRecord = $oWS->CreateObject("SalesRecord");
$oInvoicePost = $oWS->CreateObject("InvoicePost");
$oStockRecord = $oWS->CreateObject("StockRecord");
$oInvoicePost->Type = intval(sdoLedgerInvoice);
$oInvoicePost->Header->Fields["INVOICE_NUMBER"]->Value =intval($oInvoicePost->GetNextNumber());
echo "INV NO : " .$oInvoicePost->Header->Fields["INVOICE_NUMBER"]->Value . "<hr/>";
if ($oInvoicePost->Update) {
echo "Invoice Posted OK";
else {
echo "Invoice <b>FAILED</b>";
// free all the objects we used
$oSalesRecord = NULL;
$oInvoicePost = NULL;
$oStockRecord = NULL;
// disconnect from sage and free the application objects
$oWS = NULL;
Here is an ASP script which runs with no problems
' Declare Objects
Dim oSDO
Dim oWS
Dim oInvoicePost
Dim oSalesRecord
Dim oStockRecord
' Declare Variables
Dim szDataPath
' Create the SDO Engine Object
Set oSDO = CreateObject("sdoengine.10")
' Create the Workspace
Set oWS = oSDO.Workspaces.Add("Example")
' Select Company. The SelectCompany method takes the program install
' folder as a parameter
szDataPath = oSDO.SelectCompany("C:\work\clients\sky market\sage\")
' A U.I. for company selection is presented to the user. If a company is selected,
' the path will be passed to the szDataPath variable.
' If not, or the Cancel button is selected, the variable will be left empty.
If szDataPath <> "" Then
' Try to Connect - Will throw an exception if it fails
If oWS.Connect(szDataPath, "MANAGER", "", "Example") Then
' Create an instance of the Objects
Set oSalesRecord = oWS.CreateObject("SalesRecord")
Set oInvoicePost = oWS.CreateObject("InvoicePost")
Set oStockRecord = oWS.CreateObject("StockRecord")
' Set the type of invoice for the next available number
oInvoicePost.Type = 261
' Use the GetNextNumber method
oInvoicePost.Header("INVOICE_NUMBER").Value = CLng(oInvoicePost.GetNextNumber)
Response.Write("New invoice number is " & oInvoicePost.Header("INVOICE_NUMBER").Value)
End If
End If