
Alright, here's the obligatory info:

Name: Jason
Age: 27
Kids names/ages: N/A
Pets types/names: Carbon (dog), Hoover (cat), Snarf (cat)
Meaning behind your username: Lame reference to transformers I started with on IRC many many moons ago.
Favorite quote: Hrmm... I don't like the notion of "favorite", as my tastes change often... for this I'd say one of the following two: "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance--it is the illusion of knowledge." (Daniel Boorstin), or "I love it when a plan comes together." (Hannibal from the A-Team)
Most valued posession Probably my car.
Fav type of music: I'd say downtempo, though my musical tastes vary wildly.
Favorite movie: Toss up: The Big Lebowski, Office Space, or Johnny Dangerously
Favorite computer game: Unreal Tournament (don't really play games)
Favorite computer program: currently: Camino. I probably use it more than anything else.
Did OJ do it? Maybe.
Type of car you drive: Koenigsegg CCX
Type of car you really drive (the truth please): Volkswagen Golf R32
Fav alchoholic beverage: Bahama Mama
Next vacation: length & destination Las Vegas, holiday season 2006
If you have any superpower in the world, what would it be, and why? The ability to create food (not by cooking, duh!) magically in front of me.
Unique talent: It's a secret
Most embarrassing moment: Too many to list.
Write a sentence that ends with 'about 5 inches.' Pass.

Years in the industry: depends on definition of "in the industry"..... 4-9 years
Background: Refugee from architecture (UC), computer stuff self-taught.
Focus of work: Web application development (too vague?)
Which platform do you use: Many: workstations: OS X, Linux (Gentoo), WinXP; servers: OS X, FreeBSD, Server2003
Fav PHP editor/IDE: TextMate on OS X, UltraEdit on windows, Quanta Plus on Linux
What's your favorite PHP function/why? require_once
Tips for the noob: Please please please search the forums/web, and look through the manuals, they're all freely available online.

Why do you volunteer your time as a moderator? Because I have a very nasty addiction to the internet.

Free for all (anything you'd like to say): /me sits in silence.

    Originally posted by goldbug
    Fav alchoholic beverage: Bahama Mama

    Whats one of them?

      Originally posted by piersk
      Whats one of them?

      Mixed drink. At it's simplest, it usually involves some combination/variety of orange/pineapple/etc... juice, rum (coconut & pineapple being my fave), and grenadine.

        Nice to know some stuff about you....🙂

          Originally posted by goldbug
          What's your favorite PHP function/why? require_once

          coughnot a functioncough


            Originally posted by LordShryku
            coughnot a functioncough


            Feh... I stopped being literal years ago. Stopped reading for comprehension then too 🙂

              2 years later

              Heh, nice post title. I apparently hadn't caught it in the mess this forum has become.

              BUMP 😉

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