I have been using PHPTriad for awhile now and since it hasn't been updated in so long I am still using a old version of PHP / MYSQL and everything else. Which is good I still want to keep it on my system just to beable to test backwards compatibility, but I would also like the newer versions of PHP and MYSQL. Does anyone know a FREE auto installer for these 3 systems?
Auto installer for a PHP/MYSQL/APACHE WIN32 Enviornment
Tried EasyPHP which bites because most of it is in another language. Tried sokkit which bites because its not free you gotta pay after 30 days. So any others?
hmm... have you tried installing the individual packages yourself?
Nope, but it would probably be good. The reason EasyPHP attracted me was the ability to put it in the system tray. Can I do that with the individual packages?
Check out here..
you can change easy php's language you know right?
I would rather not support non-english software.
Originally posted by Paragon
I would rather not support non-english software.
Just out of question, why?
And when you say english, do you mean software from england or software written in english?
Cos if its the former, then you're gonna be a bit screwed, since pretty much all major software comes from the states these days.
Or India.
I was mostly joking, but I meant english programs as in the english language. Meaning the Anglo-Saxxon race.
don't take me to seriously.
[edit]to neaten things up[/edit]
Try this......
Have used with success for a couple of years on NT. Having a minor issue with XP configuring for "localhost".
[edit]to correct link[/edit]
XAMP doesn't upgrade though. It just does a clean install.
EvilSupahFly wrote:XAMP doesn't upgrade though. It just does a clean install.
Then what is the xampp upgrade package for ? :rolleyes: