
I have built a set of php scripts which pull in 4 seperate csv files from disk then load the data into mysql tables.

I have the scripts working fine, only problem i have now is that the csv files need to be read every 30 minutes during the day then uploaded to mysql.

I am on windows 2003 server running IIS, basically my question is does anyone know the best way i could automate the running of the php script every 30 minutes.

At the minute i need to open the browser and run the script every 30 mins which is fastly becomming tedious lol

thanks in advance for nay help u guys can give 🙂

Kind Regards,

    use scheduled tasks and add a job with the command

    c:\path\to\php.exe c:\path\to\script.php

    oh btw if there are gaps in your pathnames then enclose to two paths in " "

      4 days later

      or change your OS to linux or unix-like....this is would be a great ideia.

        Originally posted by agent_smith_sp
        or change your OS to linux or unix-like....this is would be a great ideia.

        Or not? Please don't try to start an OS war in every forum.

        jacobyte, there's a port of cron for Windows called WinCron, it should be able to handle it fairly well.

          I think cai explained it pretty well. It a port...of..cron....for Windows....

          If your answer to everything is "switch to linux", just stop posting. I use linux, but I don't feel the need to push it upon everyone, because it's not for everyone. Some people want to use Windows. Let them, and stop trying to push your opinions upon them.


            thank you very much indeed - i now have that running

            i found that it would only work if i placed a cmd /C before the c:\php\php.exe ......... however it all works fine once again thank you for your help. 🙂

            also Mordecai, thanks for yer tip on wincron i'll check it out

            agent smith....

            are you on a retainer from a secret linux consortium as all you appear to be doing is travelling through the windows boards instructing everyone in broken english to use a nix system ?!?

            Same As LordShryku I too have linux however if there was an option of using it for this do u think i would be asking for help in the windows forums lol

            Get real buddy as the saying goes if u have nothing useful to say dont say anything else at all - everybody else thank you very much 🙂


              a month later

              If you want an alternative cron for Windows there is one called VisualCron. It is far more easier to use than the program you mentioned.

              You can look at it here: http://www.visualcron.com

              regards / md

                8 months later

                Thanks mate for the link of visualcron

                This was the thing I was looking for.
                It has an add-in wich acts like webbrowser but it can be ran hidden. this way there is no window that pops up.

                Thousand times thank you

                I think that of this should be made a article or something

                  7 years later

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