I really need help:
* Resultset version of "in_array" function to display boolean results of finding a resultset-configured object in the resultset
* @access private
* @param int $thisID
* @param object $result
* @return boolean
* @see [url]http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.in-array.php[/url]
function in_result($thisID, $result) { // BOOLEAN METHOD
global $section;
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$associatedSection = $this->getAssociatedSection();
$obj->base_section_name = "$section";
$obj->base_section_value = $id;
$obj->associated_section_name = "$associatedSection";
$obj->associated_section_value = $thisID;
return in_array($obj, $result);
I am trying to do a version of in_array() for object arrays. I have an array consisting of objects, and I have to find a matching object in that array, and in_array() fails for me in this case.
What do I do? I can't have looping because this function is to be used within a looping construct.