
I have installed Apache2.0.49, PHP4, pear on my windows xp m/c. And I have also installed the Zend Studio client and server. During installation, Zend modified my php.ini, which is all good.

Now, when I create a new project, and add/write php pages and hit f5, it just throws some stuff out into the output window within the ide. How do I make it bring up a webpage in a browser? Does the project have to be created at the doc root (C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs) in my case. Incidentally, there are Zend folders under htdocs ...

I guess I am more used to the Interdev6.0 IDE with IIS where the new project command creates a new virtual directory (under C:\inetpub\wwwroot) and you are pretty much good to go from that point on.


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