Beer or wine?
Quiet in here isn't it
Beer or wine?
Quiet in here isn't it
Wine. White preferably.
Burgers and fries or greasy spoon?
For you yanks, Greasy Spoon = Diner (I guess)
Such decisions cannot be made without a full disclosure of the circumstances under which the ingestion will occur. However all else being equal I'd have to say I'd probably go for a nice Bailey's on the rocks, which doesn't appear to fit in either of the categories.
Fashionable or deaf?
Regular Flu or Chicken Flu?
Shoes or sandals?
deaf, regular flu, shoes
Corn syrup or Anglican cathedrals?
Corn syrup.
foot or ball
Monday or asleep?
Hippies or Stalkers?
'W' or Dubya?
Tea or coffee?
tea just the smell of coffee makes me sick.
Burnt Orange or Burnt Sienna?
Burnt Orange
Crispy or Crunchy
Maybe or Doubtful?