Hello all,
I have been approached as a freelance developer to quote for a website build. The website is to be a straight copy of Yahoo Groups site, written for PHP/MySQL.
I've started to draw up a list of tasks with the aim of coming up with a solid project plan in order to get to a price. Does anyone use Yahoo Groups and if so are there any features I have missed? I'd also like to get some feedback about the validity of this idea, it's personally scaring the pants out of me as I'd be tackling this alone.
Finally I know that there are alot of different software packages that could be combined to achieve all of the functionality used on Yahoo Groups, but does anyone know of an integrated package that can do something similar. I've had a quick look around on Sourceforge and also Mambo has been recommended but I've not had time to look at them thoroughly.
I've pointed out where I think there should be group-admin functionality but super-admins would basically be able to administer everything on the site.
- User details
--- Select image from Album?
--- Image upload?
- User registration
- User login
- Join a group
- Password request (one-way encrypted)
Group (group-admin only)
- Create a group
- Manage a group (edit/remove user/delete group?)
- Create a category (super-admin)
- Add a message to a group
- Edit own message (at any time?) (user)
- Edit any message (group-admin)
- Publish message? (group-admin)
- Delete own messages (user)
--- List messages
--- Edit message
- Delete any message (group-admin)
--- List messages
--- Edit message
- Personalised events per user and per group
- Event management
- Monthly display
- Upload image
- Display thumbnails
- Display image
- Add a poll
- Vote on a poll
- View poll results
- View polls history
- Add a link
--- Delete own links
- View links
- Delete links (group-admin)