For those of you who make a living with PHP:
Well, with this username I will be trying to represent a company as opposed to myself. We prefer python, use perl and c++ when necessary, have several products and services.
One thing easy to sell is web based applications. A common occurrence is administration of these applications, and ACL's (access control over different parts of the application). EGroupware and PHPGroupware (actually using the same db structure) Are good starts, but are geared wrong, in my personal, and co-workers opinions.
We have designed a "web platform," as I describe it. It is a core web application named "zcore-php". It's structure allows for plug and play of modules, much like webkit in python allows for packages to be integrated. I would like to know if there would be any interest in helping extend it at We have also designed several helper libraries for the different languages that we write in. zcom-php, zcom-python and zcom-js. These libraries make developers jobs allot easier.
foreign_class("case_managers", "CaseManagerDropdownControl");
foreign_class("areas", "AreaDropdownControl");
foreign_class("codes", "CodeDropdownControl");
require 'ActiveDropdown.php';
class ClientForm extends Form {
function buildControls() {
new NameControl('Full Name', array('first_name', 'middle_initial', 'last_name')),
new TextBox('Address', 'address'),
new TextBox('Address 2', 'address2'),
new TextBox('City', 'city'),
new StateDropdown('State', 'state'),
new TextBox('Zip Code', 'zip_code'),
new AreaDropdownControl('Area', 'area_id'),
new TextBox('Phone #', 'phone'),
new TextBox('Alt Phone 1', 'alt_phone_1'),
new TextBox('Alt Phone 2', 'alt_phone_2'),
new CodedropdownControl('Code', 'code_id'),
new CaseManagerDropdownControl('Case Manager', 'manager_id'),
new ActiveDropdown("Active", "active"),
new CalendarControl('Start Date', 'start_date'),
new HiddenControl('id', 'id')
The above code is similar to Visual Basic, and is a input form for information about a Client.
Controls like the CalendarControl, require java script, and are auto-magicly included.
The need:
Most of the modules we have, would not work for your clients' needs. Maybe some would. The concept is if we all start building a library up, of modules, based upon the same system, eventually when one of our clients asks for an application it will be wam-bam (plug-n-play) your done.
If you are interested in this, please respond to this forum, or email us at and/or checkout