If you've ever been involved in chess tournaments, you would know they come in various formats, one of which is the round robin format.
In a round robin, each player plays every other player, and the difference in colours is kept to a minimum, with half the field having white for one more game than the other half.

I couldnt come up with a good enough algorithm myself, so I sent an email to the webmaster of CERN's chess club, where they had a round robin pairing calculator available.
The code was in pretty bad shape, but I managed to make out of the gist of the algorithm, and re-implemented it:

 * Round Robin Pairing Generator
 * Author: Eugene Wee
 * Date: 23 May 2005
 * Last updated: 23 May 2005
 * Copyright (c) 2005 Eugene Wee
 * Licensed under the Academic Free License 2.1
 * Based on algorithm by Tibor Simko

function generateRoundRobinPairings($num_players) {
    //do we have a positive number of players? otherwise default to 4
    $num_players = ($num_players > 0) ? (int)$num_players : 4;
    //set number of players to even number
    $num_players = ($num_players % 2 == 0) ? $num_players : $num_players + 1;
    //format for pretty alignment of pairings across rounds
    $format = "%0" . ceil(log10($num_players)) . "d";
    $pairing = "$format-$format ";
    //set the return value
    $ret = $num_players . " Player Round Robin:\n-----------------------";
    //print the rounds
    for ($round = 1; $round < $num_players; $round++) {
        $ret .= sprintf("\nRound #$format : ", $round);
        $players_done = array();
        //print the pairings
        for ($player = 1; $player < $num_players; $player++) {
            if (!in_array($player, $players_done)) {
                //select opponent
                $opponent = $round - $player;
                $opponent += ($opponent < 0) ? $num_players : 1;
                //ensure opponent is not the current player
                if ($opponent != $player) {
                    //choose colours
                    if ($player % 2 == $opponent % 2) {
                        if ($player < $opponent) {
                            //player plays black
                            $ret .= sprintf($pairing, $opponent, $player);
                        } else {
                            //player plays white
                            $ret .= sprintf($pairing, $player, $opponent);
                    } else {
                        if ($player < $opponent) {
                            //player plays white
                            $ret .= sprintf($pairing, $player, $opponent);
                        } else {
                            //player plays black
                            $ret .= sprintf($pairing, $opponent, $player);
                    //these players are done for this round
                    $players_done[] = $player;
                    $players_done[] = $opponent;
        //print the last pairing (i.e. for the last player)
        if ($round % 2 == 0) {
            $opponent = ($round + $num_players) / 2;
            //last player plays white
            $ret .= sprintf($pairing, $num_players, $opponent);
        } else {
            $opponent = ($round + 1) / 2;
            //last player plays black
            $ret .= sprintf($pairing, $opponent, $num_players);
    return $ret;

In my case, I'm using it as:

$n = 4;
if (!empty($_GET['n']) && ctype_digit($_GET['n'])) {
    $n = $_GET['n'];
echo '<pre>' . generateRoundRobinPairings($n) . '</pre>';

In "roundrobin.php", and so goto roundrobin.php?n=8 if I want 8 players.

    2 years later

    Wow, it has been nearly two years since I posted my code. At a whim, I decided to look again and see if I could make any improvements after two years, and I think I have. The function can be used in the same way as originally described:

     * Round Robin Pairing Generator
     * Author: Eugene Wee
     * Date: 23 May 2005
     * Last updated: 13 May 2007
     * Based on an algorithm by Tibor Simko.
     * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 Eugene Wee
     * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
     * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
     * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
     * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
     * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
     * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
     * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
     * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    function generateRoundRobinPairings($num_players) {
        // Do we have a positive number of players? If not, default to 4.
        $num_players = ($num_players > 0) ? (int)$num_players : 4;
    // If necessary, round up number of players to nearest even number.
    $num_players += $num_players % 2;
    // Format for pretty alignment of pairings across rounds.
    $format = "%0" . ceil(log10($num_players)) . "d";
    $pairing = "$format-$format ";
    // Set the return value
    $ret = $num_players . " Player Round Robin:\n-----------------------";
    // Generate the pairings for each round.
    for ($round = 1; $round < $num_players; $round++) {
        $ret .= sprintf("\nRound #$format : ", $round);
        $players_done = array();
        // Pair each player except the last.
        for ($player = 1; $player < $num_players; $player++) {
            if (!in_array($player, $players_done)) {
                // Select opponent.
                $opponent = $round - $player;
                $opponent += ($opponent < 0) ? $num_players : 1;
                // Ensure opponent is not the current player.
                if ($opponent != $player) {
                    // Choose colours.
                    if (($player + $opponent) % 2 == 0 xor $player < $opponent) {
                        // Player plays white.
                        $ret .= sprintf($pairing, $player, $opponent);
                    } else {
                        // Player plays black.
                        $ret .= sprintf($pairing, $opponent, $player);
                    // This pair of players are done for this round.
                    $players_done[] = $player;
                    $players_done[] = $opponent;
        // Pair the last player.
        if ($round % 2 == 0) {
            $opponent = ($round + $num_players) / 2;
            // Last player plays white.
            $ret .= sprintf($pairing, $num_players, $opponent);
        } else {
            $opponent = ($round + 1) / 2;
            // Last player plays black.
            $ret .= sprintf($pairing, $opponent, $num_players);
    return $ret;

    Aside from arithmetic simplifications and cosmetic changes to comments and spacing, the main change is the use of PHP's xor operator to simplify the colour selection code. Oh, and I decided to switch to the MIT/Expat license, which unfortunately increased the length of the code.


      hi laser

      you know i play chess .. good chess

      if you remember i had a look at some FEN chess appication you had written
      we had some contact via Instant Messenger
      I know you write good scripts!

      This tournament set up feature - make a round robin - in your latest post.

      1. Does it work as standalone ? Or is it only API utility to include in other pages?
      2. Can I just copy and RUN it at my server ( http://okay.mine.nu ) ? As it is?


        I would hardly call a single function an API. You can copy it along with the snippet of one way to use it that is in my first post.

          okay i will try
          install it in my php development part of my server
          and do some testruns

          I will be back with Code Critique
          because is the function of this phpbuilder board category

          Sometimes critique in here is so heavy and upright
          ... without any due credits or compliments to balance critique
          ... that people only post code here ONCE
          ... never comes back again
          ... and most probably go elsewhere
          If they can find any other PHP Scrits Website/Forum.
          You think they can ???
          Are there any other sites for discussing php scripts and coding ...?

          Be Back soon with comments to your script, within max 2-3 days


            to be able to quickly and easy compare your 2005 function version
            with the new 2007 version
            I setup this roundrobin.php
            It is for most PHP coders self-explaining, I hope 🙂

            $n = 4;           // number of players in tournament
            $functions = 2;   // total number of versions of this function
            if (isset($_GET['n']) && !empty($_GET['n']) && ctype_digit($_GET['n'])) {
                $n = $_GET['n'];
            if ( $n > 40 )
                $n = 40;
            $f = $functions;
            if (isset($_GET['f']) && !empty($_GET['f']) && ctype_digit($_GET['f'])) {
                $f = $_GET['f'];
            if ( $f > $functions || $f < 1 ) 
                $f = $functions;
            // include and run function, using values of $f and $n
            include "func.generate-rr$f.php";
            echo "generateRoundRobinPairings($n);<br>\n";
            echo "Version: $f<br>\n";
            echo '<pre>' . generateRoundRobinPairings($n) . '</pre>';

            Files, all in same web folder:
            func.generate-rr1.php ---- 2005 version include
            func.generate-rr2.php ---- 2007 version include
            roundrobin.php ------- main script

            How to use:
            ... where n= number of players ( max 40 players )
            ... if no value of n, 4 players ( like in original roundrobin.php, see Post #1 )
            ... and f= function version ( 1=2005, 2=2007 );
            ... if no value of f, the latest version will be used=highest number=total number of version


              3 years later
              7 months later

              i have teams which i want to distribute in a schedule , each team play with the others one time and each team play once a day .
              i got teams' names and its number from the database.

              Q: i want to make daily schedule for matches (like the daily schedule of world cup)
              and to enter each date in the database with the schedule of this date.

              please follow this link to see what i need:

                ragy, you are free to modify my code to suit your needs, subject to the license. If you need help for the modification, please ask in another forum, e.g., Coding.

                  a year later

                  This is my version.

                  I tried to implement what wikipedia says on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Round-robin_tournament#Scheduling_algorithm

                  I've attached a image with the explanation of the algorithm for 8 players.

                    function round_robin($num_teams = 8)
                      $num_rounds = $num_teams - 1;
                  $rounds = array();
                  for($round = 0; $round < $num_rounds; $round++) {      
                    for ($index = 0; $index < $num_teams / 2; $index++)
                      $local_key = ($index != 0) * ($index - $round) + 
                        (($index != 0) && (($index != 0) * ($index - $round) <= 0)) * $num_rounds;
                      $away_key = $num_rounds - $index - $round + 
                        (($index != 0) && ($num_rounds - $index - $round <= 0)) * $num_rounds;
                      $rounds[$round][] = array($local_key, $away_key);
                  return $rounds;
                    5 months later


                    I created a roundrobin function from scratch as i thought it might be easier to get the same results and also allowing me to use arrays filled with strings directly instead of numbers.

                    Because i pull a list of names from a database and add into an array i can now schedule this directly with below function. No extra step needed to link numbers to names etc.

                    Please feel free to try it and if it works then leave a comment.
                    I also have a version which allows for 2 way (home & return) schedule and or shuffle option. If somone is interested in that one then leave a coment as well.

                     * @author D.D.M. van Zelst
                     * @copyright 2012
                    function scheduler($teams){
                    // Check for even number or add a bye
                        if (count($teams)%2 != 0){
                    // Splitting the teams array into two arrays
                        $away = array_splice($teams,(count($teams)/2));
                        $home = $teams;
                    // The actual scheduling based on round robin
                        for ($i=0; $i < count($home)+count($away)-1; $i++){
                            for ($j=0; $j<count($home); $j++){
                    // Check if total numbers of teams is > 2 otherwise shifting the arrays is not neccesary
                            if(count($home)+count($away)-1 > 2){
                        return $round;

                    How to use, for example create an array like:

                    <?php $members = array(1,2,3,4); ?>


                    <?php $members = array("name1","name2","name3","name4"); ?>

                    then call the function to create your schedule based on above array:

                    <?php $schedule = scheduler($members); ?>

                    To display the resulted array schedule simply do like below or anyway you like:
                    This little code displays the schedule in a nice format but use it anyway you like.

                    foreach($schedule AS $round => $games){
                        echo "Round: ".($round+1)."<BR>";
                        foreach($games AS $play){
                            echo $play["Home"]." - ".$play["Away"]."<BR>";
                        echo "<BR>";

                    Leave a note if it worked for you or if you are interested in the 2-way version with shuffle.


                      davaze wrote:

                      Please feel free to try it and if it works then leave a comment.

                      Even without running it I can leave a comment/critique; you didn't read the rules....


                        I guess you mean the indention for the code. Forgot to do.
                        Can i still edit the post to update the indention?


                          7 days later

                          This works fine, with one exception. The script does not account for team playing home AND away. You have Team 1 home EVERY week.

                          Can you adjust it so each week a team is home, then away, then back home again, etc; ?

                          davaze;11002923 wrote:


                          I created a roundrobin function from scratch as i thought it might be easier to get the same results and also allowing me to use arrays filled with strings directly instead of numbers.

                          Because i pull a list of names from a database and add into an array i can now schedule this directly with below function. No extra step needed to link numbers to names etc.

                          Please feel free to try it and if it works then leave a comment.
                          I also have a version which allows for 2 way (home & return) schedule and or shuffle option. If somone is interested in that one then leave a coment as well.

                           * @author D.D.M. van Zelst
                           * @copyright 2012
                          function scheduler($teams){
                          // Check for even number or add a bye
                              if (count($teams)%2 != 0){
                          // Splitting the teams array into two arrays
                              $away = array_splice($teams,(count($teams)/2));
                              $home = $teams;
                          // The actual scheduling based on round robin
                              for ($i=0; $i < count($home)+count($away)-1; $i++){
                                  for ($j=0; $j<count($home); $j++){
                          // Check if total numbers of teams is > 2 otherwise shifting the arrays is not neccesary
                                  if(count($home)+count($away)-1 > 2){
                              return $round;

                          How to use, for example create an array like:

                          <?php $members = array(1,2,3,4); ?>


                          <?php $members = array("name1","name2","name3","name4"); ?>

                          then call the function to create your schedule based on above array:

                          <?php $schedule = scheduler($members); ?>

                          To display the resulted array schedule simply do like below or anyway you like:
                          This little code displays the schedule in a nice format but use it anyway you like.

                          foreach($schedule AS $round => $games){
                              echo "Round: ".($round+1)."<BR>";
                              foreach($games AS $play){
                                  echo $play["Home"]." - ".$play["Away"]."<BR>";
                              echo "<BR>";

                          Leave a note if it worked for you or if you are interested in the 2-way version with shuffle.


                            Also what if two teams face each other that were both home teams the previous round? This is why the higher ranked team (aka team 1) would keep home field advantage.

                              Hi Bastadon,

                              I changed the function code a little so that at least team 1 is shifting from home to away, however it can not avoid that sometimes a team plays home or away twice. To be honest i play competition myself and also from time to time have 2 home or away games after another but you were right about team one, which i corrected with the below code.

                              I also have a version in which you can send an extra parameter to the function to be able to shuffle the schedule and or create a Home & Return schedule (2-way).
                              If anyone is interested then let me know and i'll post it as well.

                              Hope it will suit everones needs!

                              function scheduler($teams){
                                  if (count($teams)%2 != 0){
                                  $away = array_splice($teams,(count($teams)/2));
                                  $home = $teams;
                                  for ($i=0; $i < count($home)+count($away)-1; $i++){
                                      if ($i%2 !=0){
                                          for ($j=0; $j<count($home); $j++){
                                      }else {
                                          for ($j=0; $j<count($home); $j++){
                                      if(count($home)+count($away)-1 > 2){
                                  return $schedule;

                                Please ignore the last post and use this one instead. in the last code it still didn't work completely. This one should be a bit better.
                                However if somebody can extend this code to suit their own needs then feel free to do.

                                function scheduler($teams){
                                    if (count($teams)%2 != 0){
                                    $away = array_splice($teams,(count($teams)/2));
                                    $home = $teams;
                                    for ($i=0; $i < count($home)+count($away)-1; $i++){
                                        for ($j=0; $j<count($home); $j++){
                                            if (($i%2 !=0) && ($j%2 ==0)){
                                            } else {
                                        if(count($home)+count($away)-1 > 2){
                                    return $schedule;
                                  9 months later

                                  Hi Davaze,

                                  I have looked at your code and was trying to change it to allow for teams to play each other both at home and away.

                                  I have managed to get it working but I always have one fixture from week 1 which repeats in week 8.

                                  Would appreciate any help you can give


                                    Hi DKman,

                                    I'm not sure if i follow you but below is the finished function that i use. It allows to set some extra parameters to the function like shuffle and or reverse (home and away) enabled.


                                    function scheduler($teams,$shuffle=0,$reverse=0){
                                        if (count($teams)%2 != 0){
                                        if ($shuffle == 1){
                                        $away = array_splice($teams,(count($teams)/2));
                                        $home = $teams;
                                        for ($i=0; $i < count($home)+count($away)-1; $i++){
                                            for ($j=0; $j<count($home); $j++){
                                                if (($i%2 !=0) && ($j%2 ==0)){
                                                } else {
                                            if(count($home)+count($away)-1 > 2){
                                        if ($reverse == 1){
                                            for ($k=0; $k < count($home)+count($away)-1; $k++){
                                                for ($j=0; $j<count($home); $j++){
                                                    if (($k%2 !=0) && ($j%2 ==0)){
                                                    } else {
                                            if(count($home)+count($away)-1 > 2){
                                        return $schedule;


                                    Then call the function with whatever array of data you have and set the extra parameters if needed. You can leave them out as well but then they will default to 0 and just a single results with no shuffle will return.
                                    Below is an example array with numbers and to echo the results back.


                                    // example array
                                    $members = array(1,2,3,4);
                                    // call the function with reverse enabled (home & away)
                                    $schedule = scheduler($members,0,1);
                                    // print the results back example
                                    foreach($schedule AS $round => $games){
                                        echo "Round: ".($round+1)."<BR>";
                                        foreach($games AS $play){
                                            echo implode("-",$play)."<BR>";
                                        echo "<BR>";


                                    I hope this helps, let me know if it worked. If not then give me an example of how you used it and the results you got.


                                      Oh my, I have not looked at this thread carefully for a long time.

                                      DKman1990 wrote:

                                      I have looked at your code and was trying to change it to allow for teams to play each other both at home and away.

                                      A simple solution in such a case is to repeat the pairings, but with colours reversed (in other words, home and away swapped).

                                      davaze wrote:

                                      It allows to set some extra parameters to the function like shuffle and or reverse (home and away) enabled.

                                      Unless you have some special reason to use integers, use boolean values for the shuffle and reverse flags instead. Actually, you should not have a shuffle flag: functions should do one thing and do it well, and here the input array can be shuffled before calling this function.