If you've ever been involved in chess tournaments, you would know they come in various formats, one of which is the round robin format.
In a round robin, each player plays every other player, and the difference in colours is kept to a minimum, with half the field having white for one more game than the other half.
I couldnt come up with a good enough algorithm myself, so I sent an email to the webmaster of CERN's chess club, where they had a round robin pairing calculator available.
The code was in pretty bad shape, but I managed to make out of the gist of the algorithm, and re-implemented it:
* Round Robin Pairing Generator
* Author: Eugene Wee
* Date: 23 May 2005
* Last updated: 23 May 2005
* Copyright (c) 2005 Eugene Wee
* Licensed under the Academic Free License 2.1
* Based on algorithm by Tibor Simko
function generateRoundRobinPairings($num_players) {
//do we have a positive number of players? otherwise default to 4
$num_players = ($num_players > 0) ? (int)$num_players : 4;
//set number of players to even number
$num_players = ($num_players % 2 == 0) ? $num_players : $num_players + 1;
//format for pretty alignment of pairings across rounds
$format = "%0" . ceil(log10($num_players)) . "d";
$pairing = "$format-$format ";
//set the return value
$ret = $num_players . " Player Round Robin:\n-----------------------";
//print the rounds
for ($round = 1; $round < $num_players; $round++) {
$ret .= sprintf("\nRound #$format : ", $round);
$players_done = array();
//print the pairings
for ($player = 1; $player < $num_players; $player++) {
if (!in_array($player, $players_done)) {
//select opponent
$opponent = $round - $player;
$opponent += ($opponent < 0) ? $num_players : 1;
//ensure opponent is not the current player
if ($opponent != $player) {
//choose colours
if ($player % 2 == $opponent % 2) {
if ($player < $opponent) {
//player plays black
$ret .= sprintf($pairing, $opponent, $player);
} else {
//player plays white
$ret .= sprintf($pairing, $player, $opponent);
} else {
if ($player < $opponent) {
//player plays white
$ret .= sprintf($pairing, $player, $opponent);
} else {
//player plays black
$ret .= sprintf($pairing, $opponent, $player);
//these players are done for this round
$players_done[] = $player;
$players_done[] = $opponent;
//print the last pairing (i.e. for the last player)
if ($round % 2 == 0) {
$opponent = ($round + $num_players) / 2;
//last player plays white
$ret .= sprintf($pairing, $num_players, $opponent);
} else {
$opponent = ($round + 1) / 2;
//last player plays black
$ret .= sprintf($pairing, $opponent, $num_players);
return $ret;
In my case, I'm using it as:
$n = 4;
if (!empty($_GET['n']) && ctype_digit($_GET['n'])) {
$n = $_GET['n'];
echo '<pre>' . generateRoundRobinPairings($n) . '</pre>';
In "roundrobin.php", and so goto roundrobin.php?n=8 if I want 8 players.