how do you go about becoming a mod?
im a pretty long-serving member of the forum, and was just wondering...
i hate being asked this on my forum, so thought id see how you handle it! lol
how do you go about becoming a mod?
im a pretty long-serving member of the forum, and was just wondering...
i hate being asked this on my forum, so thought id see how you handle it! lol
You have to be JPnyc's love slave.
I tried once. He's rough. Good luck :quiet:
D-OH! (thud)
ok... well ill not worry about it, my b-hole is my own thankyou! lol
love the site mate - top man i owe you many a time for many a saving moment!
There is an unwritten rule in the world of internet forums. Never ask to become a mod, doing so may mean you will never be considered when such a position comes up. You should always wait to be approached.
poolking wrote:There is an unwritten rule in the world of internet forums. Never ask to become a mod, doing so may mean you will never be considered when such a position comes up. You should always wait to be approached.
That rule is garbage. If you don't ask you don't get. Moderating is a job (all be it voluntary); however it requires time, diplomacy, tact, a reasonable knowledge of the subject and ensuring you set an example to other members by following the rules set out in the AUP.
The moderators here and at every other JM forum are helping run the forum for free and expect nothing back. However, being a moderator doesn't improve ones ability to assist other people with their problems, that being the ethos of this forum and most others.
If, you ever offer to help the forum out by becoming a mod and they respond by saying "you have just ruined your chances", I would not be inclined to go elsewhere. Ultimatly, it is their loss.
visualAd wrote:If you don't ask you don't get.
I didn't ask, and I got. Disproof by counterexample. Any mods here ask?
visualAd wrote:However, .... this forum and most others.
And how is this relevant?
visualAd wrote:I would not be inclined to go elsewhere.
Um, you sure?
- I would be inclined to go elsewhere.
I didn't ask, and I got. Disproof by counterexample. Any mods here ask?
I don't know any of the mods here.
And how is this relevant?
That is my point. It isn't relvant.
Sure, people get asked. But, I am saying that if someone is seriously interested, they shouldn't be afraid to express their interest to another moderator or admin.
But if the admin isn't looking for a new mod, saying "pick me! pick me!" isn't going to help. And if the admin is looking for a new mod, then any decision will be based on existing track record, and saying "pick me! pick me!" wouldn't be of any advantage to the admin.
Weedpacket wrote:But if the admin isn't looking for a new mod, saying "pick me! pick me!" isn't going to help. And if the admin is looking for a new mod, then any decision will be based on existing track record, and saying "pick me! pick me!" wouldn't be of any advantage to the admin.
Indeed. And, saying "pick me, pick me" makes the person look a bit childish. Simply saying "I enjoy helping out and if you should ever require a moderator for [AREA OF INTEREST ] I would be happy to help.", even if there is no need for a new mod, it is ok in my opinion.
visualAd wrote:it is ok in my opinion.
Yeah, but you're not the admin.
Say you think you're so special that out only of 73,000 members you're the only one who wants to be a mod. Guess what? You're not. Let's say one tenth of one percent of members want to be a mod and (in line with your opinion) write, saying "pick me! pick me!" or "if you should ever require a moderator..." (it amounts to the same thing in practical terms as I would have thought you'd realise). That's seventy-three emails the admin has to glance at and trash. No thanks.
Incidentally, I'm guessing you haven't seen all the other posts here by people asking how to become a mod before they were cleaned out. They were turning this forum into a shambles.
As the original poster put it:
stevesweetland wrote:i hate being asked this on my forum, so thought id see how you handle it! lol
heh.... I remember when I first came to this forum, I asked Weedpacket here what it takes to be a mod. I didn't want to post a topic, mainly because it's just one of those things you shouldn't talk about publicly. But for informational purposes, I wanted to know (so I can trust the mods' responses and such).
Anyway, he replied and said that you'd be approached if found worthy. over 2,000 posts later, I'm enjoying myself and I'm not a mod. Really, if you want to be a mod, just lead by example. Report posts that aren't supposed to be posted (job-postings for example). Read the rules and refer new members to read them.
visualAd wrote:Moderating is a job
No, moderating is not a job. Moderating is a voluntary position. Members of a volunteer organization don't devote 40 hours per week, standard, for their position. It's their free-time they devote. Volunteering won't keep you under a roof, fed, and clothed. Your job will. Moderating is a privelege, and it should only be granted to those who have proven themselves, and are known to be knowledgable in most areas of that forum.
NOTE: The scouting organizational leaders on the national (and possibly international) level don't count. They're paid to be "professional" scouters. Also, any organization that compensates, monitarily, its volunteers is a company, not a volunteer organization. Compensation in the form of "dinner cash" or "tips" doesn't count as payment as you're spending it at that time, pocketing it and living off of it.
I can say this with conviction because I'm a moderator, and now board admin, on other boards. Given, I don't spend too much of my time around them (mainly because I'm here), but I do lurk every now and again to see if I can help. It's not because they're worse boards than here, it's just that they're slower (for now).
Honestly, if you're "applying" for a position (allbeit saying "pick me pick me" or "I'm interested if you want me") that doesn't accept applications, you deserve the repercussions.
You want to be a mod? Just post and let your actions speak. Actions speak louder than words, and speak for your true character, not the one you want others to see.
Talk about having my words taken to pieces. - i didn't expect that.
Its not about whether someone thinks they are 'speical', moderators arn't 'special'. The original point I was trying to make, is don't be afraid to ask. I'm not saying post a thread asking to be a mod or go on spamming campagne by pm'ing all the other mods and admins, but like I said in my other post and this is only my opinion (and I am not an admin, so it is not relevant), I think it is ok to say.
Out of 73,000 members there are probably only a couple of hundred regulars. Half of which are most probably capable of moderating a forum and have the knowledge to do so. Although it is not paid and does not take up 40 hours per week, moderating is a job, it does require time, loyalty and diplomacy.
Good leaders help make a good community. But the glue, and what makes a great community are couple of hundred regulars who devote their time and efforts to helping others out for free and expect nothing in return. That includes members and moderators.
I apologise if the rule here is "do not ask", I disagree with it, but I shall now say no more.
visualAd wrote:The original point I was trying to make, is don't be afraid to ask.
And the point we're making is that it's worse than useless to ask.
So what have we learned here today ?
Well I'm glad we cleared that up.
Way to drudge up an old topic..... :p
Yeh well - The Mods Bods forum was looking lonely.
i dont like parfait.
Cake... Cake's got layers!!!