Who is Anon? He has over 64,000 posts, yet in some of his earlier posts he seems to be having a one-sided conversation with himself, as if he has multiple-personality syndrome.
Anon = Anonymous if I remember correctly.
Really? Interesting. So, is it an account that anyone can log into to post without registering?
I think it's an account that got crapped up during a forum transition, or something. I like Anon, as it's a Deus Ex Machina
A Deus ex Machina? From what I've seen, it hasn't done anything in the past year or so. Some admin (like JPnyc) should get this cleared up.
I agree, we should give weed his proper place at the top of the posting heap.
Yes, it certainly seems like weedpacket is more active. Although, I've done searches and can't find any thread that he started asking for help. So, has never asked for help here, only helped others?
You looked through the entire forum, including the archived stuff?
Youu luvvv him, you wannna marrrry himmmmm
If I rememer right, Anon was created during a forum update that lost all the registered users or from a time when registration wasnt required, and rather then trying to keep all the original user names which was a bit of work, they made them all show up as Anon as to not lose the important imformation that may have been discussed during those times.
just what I recall hearing about it in the past
Drakla wrote:You looked through the entire forum, including the archived stuff?
No, not archive.
Drakla wrote:Youu luvvv him, you wannna marrrry himmmmm
Not at all. A) I'm not gay; if he looks anything like his avatar...
:glare: :mad: :mad: :glare:
Edit: didn't see your post tekky. From what it seems like, you're right. So I guess that account isn't even in use anymore. What a shame - it'd be cool to claim 64,000 posts here on phpbuilder!
Yup; Anon's last post was on [thread=10206095]August 13, 2002, at 11:44AM[/thread]. Five and a quarter hours later jstarkey [thread=10206101]welcomed[/thread] all to the new forums.
And about a day later the situation with [thread=10206169]Anon was clarified[/thread].
Wow, thanks for the helpful threads. Everything's cleared up now for me!
Edit: Allright I give up. I suck at math. Weed, you said his last post was at 11:45 a.m.; however, for me it reads 7:45 p.m., which is an 8 hour difference, which means you're 8 hours behind me, which means right now (for me) it's 9:35 a.m., but for you it's around 1:35 a.m....I'm at GMT-5, so what timezone are you in? My math put you at GMT-13 but no such timezone exists...
I'm at UTC+12 (it's UTC+13 in summer, but it's not summer); are you counting Daylight Saving?
Eh, I really don't know. All I know is that whoever I'm with on the day that it changes will say, "Hey logan, don't forget to set your clock one hour (ahead|back)". I can tell you this: I know I'm usually GMT-5 (Eastern) timezone, and my computer clock says 10:43. But, the PHP Builder forum here says GMT-4, yet it reports it as 10:43. So...I guess I'm on (off?) daylight savings time...I told you I suck at math!!!
What's UTC+12? I only know GMT. So what's the time difference between me and (insert your location here).
GMT was replaced as the standard by which civil time is measured by UTC in 1972. The reason being that GMT was never sufficiently well-defined (as it was, it was more like the standard now known as UT1). I always call it UTC because the difference between UTC and UT1 (kept to within 0.9 seconds by the addition or removal of the occasional second from UTC) makes for about 30-odd metres' difference at the equator. (And I find it easier to be consistent.) Use of GMT is deprecated.
Basically there are three timescales: TAI is atomic time: every day is 86400 SI seconds in length. Then there's UT1: every day is 86400 seconds long, but the length of the second varies with the rotation of the Earth. And then there's UTC: the day is 86400+/-1 SI seconds long. Incidentally, there's to be a leap second added at the end of this year. "Four ... Three ... Two ... One ... Waitforit ... Happy New Year!" [*]
Check your user settings; your timezone option might be out of whack (I'm guessing you're not on Daylight Saving right now. That happens during the summer. It's not summer where you are, right?)
[*]Okay, so which hour gets the leap second added depends on your timezone. 1pm New Year's day for me. Midnight UTC.
Thanks for the info. I'll need to do some research so I can understand more about all this.
Like I said, Windows reports my timezone as GMT-5 (Eastern), and it says the time is 8:47 a.m. But PHP Builder says "all timezones are GMT-4", but it alsos says the time is 8:47. So, I know my usual time zone is GMT-5, so the -4 must mean that...I have no clue. I do know that it is summer! Right now it's August 17th, 2005, and we're definitely in the "dog days" of summer down here in FL. That'll last till about Mid-October, when, as I said, one of my friends will say to set my clock 1 hour (ahead|back). The other two things I know is this: Windows is set to automagically adjust for daylight savings time, and this nursery rhyme: "Spring forward, fall back".
I must really sound dense, don't I?
I don't know why it's reporting the timezones like that. I know that PHPBuilder does keep track of daylight savings time though. However, it must be noted that the name of that timezone changes during daylight savings time from EST (Eastern Standard Time) to EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), so I'm not sure if that's the issue.
Incidentally, (sorry for taking this OT), what do you guys think of the US proposition to extend daylight savings time? (Canada has its daylight savings time in sync with that of the United States, except for the province of Saskatchewan, which doesn't have daylight savings time.)
It's an interesting proposition...remind me again, what'll be the effect it'll have on us? (If I'm not mistaken, you're in Canada...)
With regards to the anon user: way way back many centuries ago (well, kinda) the PHPBuilder board did not use vBulletin, but was a hand coded board by one Tim Perdue which allowed guests to post. When internet.com took over, all those guest posts had to go somewhere, so they were all tucked away and posted by this Anon character.
Thats why "he" has so many posts.
It was a proposition put forward in the United States, but it's just a proposition; I'm not even sure if they've passed it. A lot of Canadians think it might affect trade if we don't go along with it. Personally, I don't agree. Saskatchewan's getting along just fine, and it does a lot of cross-border trade (all that wheat has to go somewhere).