thorpe wrote:ok... im gonna mark this thread resolved, though the issue still exists. ive decided to reinstall. i already managed to muck a few other things up. but yeah, looks like it might be fun.
semms to be many good LINUX guys choice of OS
It is at University of Berkeley it was/is developed first.
( this is the 'B' of BSD )
It also uses Bekeley database program, which is some kind of sharing utility
You can setup your own FREEBSD server and share applications in this very format
and so work 'together' with other clever LINUX developers
FREEBSD project is very widely spread ( maybe not among Windows microsoft Users )
It is something to look into seriously if you want to write your own open source applications.
This above is how I have got it,
though I never tried to install FREEBSD in my machine.
If something of my above info is incorrect in some detail, just change and enlighten me
and also thereby all other who reads this.
Wanted me to change to FREEBSD from my KUbuntu KDE LINUX
see other topic in this forum.
There is a nice auto install program that sets up FREEBSD
and make your boot system able to login as root
as I get it
It cleans up such restrictions that we do not want as being LINUX Lovers.
This is the main thing I got against this KUbuntu Linux Install I did:
I can not login as root - and this is NOT the true LINUX programming spirit
The idea is said to be security
but as a root administrator of your own PC
you have enough tools to setup restrictions for other users
in your family or for others outside of your family
on a shared computer.
This is something that annoys and bothers many Ubuntu KUbuntu installlers today. ( I have checked out their support forum )
This is also why Ubuntu will have to change this in future
or be degraded to a second class dealer and provider of the LINUX OS
Cheers, thorpe
you know more of FREEBSD I see
maybe you can add some overviewing info for 'normal low level knowledge windows users'
depenguin freebsd ( search with )
- is to remove dependencies of RedHat and other so called userfriendly Distributions of LINUX
- it will 'clean up' your linux installation
- and free the Linus Torvald, from FINLAND near Sweden,
operation system to its original idea - openness and total control by you - the 'root' user
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