Interesting times ahead for PHP I think. PHP 5 has failed to make the same waves as PHP 4, maybe this is the kick the industry needs. But then the same was said about PHP 5 itself, then PDO. Just another flash in the pan?

Eclipse integration sounds like a good idea, and IBM throwing money at it is bound to make something happen for better or worse.

What do you think PHP needs to break the enterprise arena?

    Announce and go through with a flag day for excessively old backwards-compatibility. If they haven't upgraded from 4.0.6 yet they never will.

      A beany hat like Weed has got (woo! glad to see it back... i thought for a moment I'd gone back in time)

        Hi All, I'm totally unfamiliar with .NET and have been writing some pretty nice PHP code for the last 4 years. It's gotten better over time and now I have a nice library that lets me re-use code and build quickly.

        What exactly is .NET? is it some type of development environment that writes a bunch of ASP code for you (years ago I was deceived and actually used ASP on websites but have repented and do so no longer)?

        So is this Zend framework something like this? 'Scuse me for the many questions but many of these articles are written assuming someone knows the technology already.


          .NET is the name give to Microsoft's development platform, comprising the runtime environment, a class based API which is implemented in a few different languages (VB, C# etc) and a tight integration with the IIS webserver and Visual Studio IDE.

          It looks as if Zend might be headed for something similar. PHP could benefit from a decent class library, in my opinion the main benefit would be to get everyone doing things the same way rather than reinventing the wheel with every new PHP framework.

          Here's the official word from Zend.

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