haven't seen you aorund these parts in a while. i know you dont know me, but ah well. just wanted to say a big thankyou.

quite some time ago you recommended (well, spoke highly of) the linux distro gentoo and i have been very happily plugging away at this system ever since.

i love it! i now have 3 machines running it. one is just a router, the others, my server, and desktop machines.

anyway, yeah.... thanks. a great OS.

    mmmm gentoo. it's the bee's knees.

      Frankly it's easily the Best Stinkin' Distro out there, but even so, alternatives to Linux exist....

      Incidentally, LordS appears to have responded to a thread in the recently (unless it was a poll, hrm.... off to check)....

        lol. i will try it one day dalecosp, but not today. funny stuff though.

          Some things will never change, eh dale? :p

          Glad to hear you like Gentoo thorpe. I think this is the longest amount of time I've spent with a particular Linux distro, and I have no foreseeable plan to switch to something else. And yes, I do remember you.

          As for my lack of activity, work has been driving me to a point of insanity for the past few months. For a while there, I thought of giving up coding, strapping on cheesy hat and nametag, and throwing hamburgers out of a fast food drive-thru window. But I've reconsidered, have been lurking for the past month or so, posting only infrequently. I'm still here in spirit though 🙂


            i really think gentoo has taught me allot more then any other distro could have about linux. i meen, it was a pain to install, ive had problem after problem, and i have managed to fix them all. really got my hands dirty.

            im slowly learning allot about bash, and c, and rarely leave my term now. its great.

            i had been thinking about doing one of those LFS builds aswell but think i would miss portage too much. might get around to doing one soon though. im thinking of rebuilding my router (pc) using LFS. should be a bit of fun for a few weeks.

            anyway, good to hear your still using gentoo. and thanks again for the recommendation.

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