ok... so ive had a few beers, no other reason to post this. before i got into programming, i used to make electronic music. in fact the whole reason i got into programming (web dev) was i because of it.

i used to get songs reviewed at a dnb site, then, my stuff started to become to experimental and they srarted to reject my tracks, so i thought id'e start my own review site. anyway, long story short, i never got around to finishing the site, and now i haven't written any electronic stuff in like 2 years (i still play in a band).

anyway, if anyone is into aphex, or just experimental electronic in general, i just remembered most of my tracks are still online.

hepburnenthorpe. dont laugh at the photo, its old.

if i was going to recommend a track it would probably be the 2nd installment from my mp3 album experiments in wave manipulation (actually, i like that whole album the most - i think). im actually just starting to get interested in making this stuff again. there seems to be a fair bit of gear available for linux, and of course its all open source, so it might be more fun to put my programming skills / music skills together.

anyhow, not looking for brownie points, just wanted to put this stuff out there. ah well, ok, im quite proud of some of this stuff. most of it is crap though.

and a warning. if your not into experimental electronic, you probably wont get it.

    Well, to answer the thread title --- no, not necessarily.

    Heh, light pop?

    But, nonetheless, kudos. Sounds kinda like Philip Glass and Pierre Boulez meet Kraftwerk and A Guy Called Gerald?? Heh, dunno. Do I get any brownie points for knowing about "minimalism"?

    I imagine it takes a bit of patience to edit 6 minutes of rhythmic and scalar ostinati, though ... not to mention the creativity in the first place, the devoted attention to detail, the hundreds of hours with a headset and some machine in a dark corner somewhere....

    Formally, I think I kinda guessed the outcome prior to landing. But, with six minutes to figure it out (assuming I did), maybe it wasn't that tough.

    I also grabbed "La Mort De Mon Amour" ... like the piano work there, and it's kind of interesting to hear the motif in Phrygian mode....

    Unfrotunately, I've not a lot of extra time to d/l songs.... if I wanna "play" with music, I need to be producing in my spare time ... way too many hats I wear here. Time to fire up the DAW, since I'm tired of PHP today...

      man... you hit the spot with Philip Glass. And well, its just plain nice to see someone take the time.

      and it's kind of interesting to hear the motif in Phrygian mode....

      ? no idea what that meens, but I'll assume your relating to some scale.

      if I wanna "play" with music, I need to be producing

      does this meen you make / produce stuff?

      its interesting to see other peoples hobbies. and i swear, programmers would be the most creative people i know.


        I love hearing about the 'experiments' that people do around here...whether it's with music or code or words or whatever...


        I'm not much of a musician but I've been in some bands (drums, programmed music, vocals, percussion things). I recently started playing around with a sinewave manipulator...takes things and reinterprets them...and so...here is my personal theme song (loop it over and over to get the feel). But I haven't had much time to get very far with these things...yet...and this is just off the shelf stuff...I've done very little here (as it probably appears I think)...


          thorpe wrote:

          man... you hit the spot with Philip Glass. And well, its just plain nice to see someone take the time.

          Well, he's the canonical example, I suppose.

          ? no idea what that meens, but I'll assume your relating to some scale.

          Yes. Easiest explanation: "Phrygian mode" is a white-key scale running from E to E. I suppose I could have also said "Locrian" mode, which is white-key B to B. Both would start with intervals halfstep, wholestep. The motif "C-Db-Eb" (if I heard it right) in the "Mort De Amour" tune could actually infer either; since it's a minimalist motif, you never actually get to figure that out 😉

          does this meen you make / produce stuff?

          Quite. But it's quite "Gebraucht Musik", to borrow from Hindemith's philosophy. I have a bachelor's in music education, taught for several years. Now I'm self-employed and when not programming, leading music for Christian worship, producing little "back tracks" for local singers/performers/pageants, and working on an "album" for my wife's group. Said album is currently in its second (at least) incarnation; we had four songs m/l "in the can" in 2002 when the lineup changed, and we decided we couldn't release material with the "old personnel" on it. We write, I produce. A small synth setup; I also have real drums, a few guitars, etc., and digital multitracking in either software or hardware (lots more channels in SW, tho')....

          its interesting to see other peoples hobbies. and i swear, programmers would be the most creative people i know.

          Well, it's a tad more than a hobby; but, I've yet to make a bundle either in music or programming ....

          Heh. "44 seconds of orgiastic hypermelody" ... cool enough 🆒

            I'm stuck at work right now, so I can't dl, but judging from your influences, it sounds like I'd enjoy your tracks alot. I'll check em out later today.

              Heh, unless you're into goth experimental electronic, you probably won't appreciate (let's not go into how genuine it is) Nine Three. (Out of Melbourne, incidentally.)
              I quite like "Easier Now to Get Things", and for some reason I find "Borg Lullaby" disturbingly catchy.

                I love experimental electronic music. Some of my favorite tracks are pure noise. Squarepusher and NIN are my two biggest influences(musically) and both could make music that is too much for most but not me. I like stuff that makes my head want to explode.

                btw: before you say nin isn't experimental or too noisy for most, listen to the fixed album. It is easily one of the noisiest things you'll ever hear, pure carnage.

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