ok... so ive had a few beers, no other reason to post this. before i got into programming, i used to make electronic music. in fact the whole reason i got into programming (web dev) was i because of it.
i used to get songs reviewed at a dnb site, then, my stuff started to become to experimental and they srarted to reject my tracks, so i thought id'e start my own review site. anyway, long story short, i never got around to finishing the site, and now i haven't written any electronic stuff in like 2 years (i still play in a band).
anyway, if anyone is into aphex, or just experimental electronic in general, i just remembered most of my tracks are still online.
hepburnenthorpe. dont laugh at the photo, its old.
if i was going to recommend a track it would probably be the 2nd installment from my mp3 album experiments in wave manipulation (actually, i like that whole album the most - i think). im actually just starting to get interested in making this stuff again. there seems to be a fair bit of gear available for linux, and of course its all open source, so it might be more fun to put my programming skills / music skills together.
anyhow, not looking for brownie points, just wanted to put this stuff out there. ah well, ok, im quite proud of some of this stuff. most of it is crap though.
and a warning. if your not into experimental electronic, you probably wont get it.