We are into BPO and Software development business for past six and half years. We are looking for the following any kind of business from your end.
Back Office Process
Data Entry, Large Volume Data Processing, Data Conversion, Forms Processing, Process flow & Quality
Data Entry
Text, Numeric or Alphanumeric entry, Printed or Handwritten matter, Hardcopies or Scanned Images, Some typical examples include, Mortgage Documents, Abstract records, Index cards, Market Research Tabulations, Various different forms, Guest/Customer comment cards, Property tax records, Accounting and Book keeping, Extracting data from Catalog, Payroll Services, Dictionaries, Manuals, Encyclopedia etc,Surveys,Questionnaires,Company reports, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) forms, Airway Bill entries
Large Volume Data Processing
Formatting of Data like mailing list, Database creation and updation,Data Conversion,OCR Clean up, ICR, OMR,Scanning from hardcopies, microfilms, microfiche,Indexing,Archiving,PDF conversion: PDF to text, HTML etc,HTML conversion, XML tagging, Document conversion
Forms Processing
Credit Card Processing, Insurance Claims Processing, Market Research forms entry, Survey Forms Processing, Order Processing
Financial Services
Accounts Payable Management, Accounts Receivable Management, Account Setup, Account Reconciliation, Bank Reconciliation, Bookkeeping, Financial Statements Financial/Operational Budget, Payroll Services, Prepare and File Tax Returns, US GAAP Reporting Drafts
URL: www.ccsgroupindia.com
Email: jobs@ccsgroupindia.com,
(24 x 7 online support)
Chat MSN : rajamanickam73@hotmail.com
Chat Yahoo: rajamanickam73@yahoomail.com
Tel: +91 44 42037794, 42037795

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