
I have managed to install and set up PHP on a Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6.

My only problem is that for some reason I can not get .php files in the root folder to work.

I have defined the website root as D:\

I put index.php in D:\ and it just gives me "You are not authorized to view this page"

I then created a directory D:\www\

I put index.php in D:\www\ and it works perfectly.

Can anyone think of an obvious thing I am missing

Thank you

    The root folder may not have execute permissions. I'd say set up a virtual directory for your php stuff.

    I'm not all that up on IIS6, but in previous IIS the alternative is to give the IIS user accounts execute permission to the web folder. In the IIS service manager the is a spot to allow script execute for a web directory.

    Also, in IIS6 you have to explicitly enable asp scripting, perhaps there is some similar setting for php scripting.

      a month later

      I didn't even notice the op was trying to put php files in the root of the harddrive, I thought it was the root of the web.

      IIS will not have any permissions to any folders outside of the web unless the server administrator explicitly grants such permission.

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