I am running an apache server (1.3) as a service on a win2k3 machine, with PHP 4.3.6 and OpenSSL. I get the following error in the error.log when i run apache from the command line with the -D SSL extension

[Thu Dec 15 14:29:17 2005] [crit] make_sock: could not bind to port 443
[Thu Dec 15 14:32:34 2005] [warn] Loaded DSO c:/php/php4apache.dll uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with -DEAPI)

    Can't say for sure, especially on the first one. In 'Nix, I'd start looking to see what else was taking 443.

    The second is what it says ... PHP wasn't compiled to operate with an SSL-aware Apache. A recompilation with the correct option is the only real solution. I would offer that on lower trafficked servers, I've not seen this actually cause a crash, but it must be possible, or they wouldn't be warning us, right?

      where do i find a version of PHP compiled to operate with an SSL-aware Apache?

        Over in 'Nix land, you do as the message says, and compile it yourself.

        I'm pretty sure that's possible in Windows, too; but just exactly how I wouldn't know OTTOMH.

          Guys, this is the 21st century.

          Don't use Apache 1.x any more. It has been wholly superceded by Apache 2, in every respect. This is particularly true for SSL, where Apache 1.x had difficulties due to stupid legal issues in the USA, which were fixed years ago.

          The current stable version of Apache is 2.2. Using 1.3 is absolutely insane.


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