
I'm currently trying to connect to Microsoft Word on my Windows 2000 webserver using PHP's COM object.

Despite hours of searching on the Internet, I'm yet to find a solution that has worked. I believe the problem lies with the permissions of the users/identities used to run the Word process.

So far I have:

  • Run dcomcnfg and changed the access permissions to include IUSR_<machine_name>

  • Run dcomcnfg and changed the custom permissions to include INTERACTIVE

  • Run dcomcnfg and changed the default identity to: The Interactive User

  • Made sure that Word.exe is not restricted, or the OFFICE11 folder

  • Made sure COM is available in php.ini

When running the following code, I get the following error:

/* Class to convert any document, that can be read by MS Word, to another format supported by Word.
	 * © Alain M. Samoun 10/2001.
 	* alain@samoun.com
	* Gnu GPL code (see www.fsf.org for more information).
	* Tested on win98 + Apache1.3  PHP 4.8 dev as CGI  - Word 2000
	* This file should be saved in the PHP's include directory.
	*If you try to use COM in XP/win2k or NT, you need to 
         set-up permissions to the application
 	with the program DCOMCNFG.EXE : 
	Run DCOMCNFG.exe, select the application and add permissions
        in Security:
	- Custom Access Permissions: “Allow” 
	Then Edit / Add
	- the “IUSR_<servername>” user access to the object.- The user
          account to run the application: “The interactive user” 
	And close.
	* Usage:
		require ("wordconvert.php");
		new wordconvert($filename,$convert_to,$visible);
	* Conversion time example: Convert a 33 pages rtf document (133KB)
          to an htm file (268KB)in 6 sec. (300MHz processor). Not a speed 
          daemon, but will work for small files on servers
	  with low hits number (Intranet...).
	class wordconvert

  	  /* variables */
var $filename;	# Original File name with optional path.
		# If no path provided, will be looked for in 
                    # My Documents.
var $convert_to=0;  	
                   # Extension (as a string) or number (See Doc on 
                   # SaveAs method below),doc extension is the default.
var $visible=0;# 0=Hidden, 1= Visible, hidden is the default.

 	 /* Constructor */

 		function wordconvert($filename,$convert_to=0,$visible=0) 
   			if (!file_exists($filename))
			echo "File $filename doesn't exist";

   			$filename_path=  substr($filename,0,-4);

		if (is_string ($convert_to))
			$convert_to= strtolower($convert_to);

			 switch ($convert_to) 
 					case "doc":
 					case "dot":
 					case "txt":
 					case "rtf":
 					case "htm":
 					case "html":
 					case "asc":
 					case "wri":
 					case "wps":
		# Instantiate MSWord
		$word=new COM("Word.Application") or die("Cannot start MS Word");

		$word->visible = $visible ;

		#Open the original file in word.
		$word->Documents->Open($filename)or die("Cannot find file to convert");

Doc on SaveAs method:
 expression.SaveAs(FileName, FileFormat, LockComments, Password, AddToRecentFiles, WritePassword, ReadOnlyRecommended, EmbedTrueTypeFonts, SaveNativePictureFormat, SaveFormsData, SaveAsAOCELetter)
 Only the two first parameters are supported in this class.
File save format number to use ( WdSaveFormat prop. ):
  wdFormatDocument = 0;  wdFormatTemplate = 1;  wdFormatText = 2;  wdFormatTextLineBreaks = 3;
  wdFormatDOSText = 4;  wdFormatDOSTextLineBreaks = 5;  wdFormatRTF = 6;  wdFormatUnicodeText = 7;
  Extensions=number: doc=0,dot =1,txt=2,htm=8,asc=9,wri=13,doc(word perfect DOS)=24,wps(works)=28

		#Save the new file

 Doc on quit method:
 expression.Quit(SaveChanges, Format, RouteDocument)

		$word->quit(0); #0: Quit without saving
		# print "done!";

	}#End of func

}#End of class


	$ext = "txt"; # - will convert above rtf file to htm file
	$ext = 2;     # Same as above. See class info for 
                          # Extension <-> Number correspondence.
	$vis= 1;      # =1Word will be visible, =0 to hide it

# Run the script with the above values	
new wordconvert($filename,$ext,$vis); #Does the trick

print "done!";



Warning: (null)(): Unable to obtain IDispatch interface for CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}: The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password. in E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\gwp\careers\cvconvert\wordconvert.php on line 90
Cannot start MS Word

Any ideas, anybody? I'm pretty much stuck here!

Thanks in advance,

    Assuming you're using IIS you have to give the IUSR and possibly the IWAM user account(s) permissions to all the word executables, files, and registry entries.

    And, if your site causes a user to authenticate, IIS will impersonate the login user, and that user account or group will also need permissions to all the word files.

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