I am a graphic designer that is jonsin to learn some PHP, mostly becuz I have been building my website non-stop for 4 months and just now realized that its not a possibility without PHP(no fuckin clue) and I cant begin to explain what it is BUT I NEED IT! I have been researching it endlessly and have not found anything to help me (which is quite odd, considering my problem pretty simple, I think). I could utilize code if I finally found the light but I haven't yet. I know there are lots of PHP 'brain children' (you know who you are) out there that could share a little knowledge with me on this holy grail of knowledge that I desperately lack...
Ok, done with the sob story all I really need is to be able to have is:
1) I need individual managable pages for each U.S. city.
2) Each Page will have a list of Bars in that city, So I need a page for each bar to open and have the same features; ie Mapquest, Print Button, Calendar, whatever.
just for an idea of what Im doing here is the link to my project localbarsonly.com
So pretty much I cant accomplish any of this in html and manage it by myself and keep updating every city in the USA!! Its a bum deal cuz Ive been working on this forever and I feel hopeless, thanks anybody for inquiring.
PHP coders are wicked cool, I am a self proclaimed professional at any graphic related design and web design, and also a flash-o-holic, so ask me for a favor if you want cuz I can always help a friend in need out, dude i call myself an artist so its strictly original work from me only, even if its not. Thanks anybody who read this. peace