I have tried 3 different server machines with Windows 2003 server software.
I put web edition on 2 of them, and Enterprise on the third, all 3 machines when I (copied below) it should in theory run forever since the script opens connection queries, prints then closes that connection. However after exactly 3970 connections are opened it ALWAYS says "connection problem". all 3 machines do this. Interestingly, the windows 2000 machine does NOT do this. It goes on forever and ever and ever, however on heavily loaded machines it gives "page cannot be displayed" at random. This is all very frustrating! Any help is greatly appreciated!
while(empty($intx ))
$chandle = mysqli_connect("DB", "UNAME", "PWORD");
mysqli_select_db($chandle, "DB1") or die ("connection problem.");
$query="select count(*) FROM table1";
echo "$intf $count <br>";