Do you know if this is the right Forum? Anyway I need Help. I need to Unblock A site that was blocked by A Admin. It's A Site called GaiaOnline. Email me at for Answer. Or PM or Post it. Please Hurry!

    Few things...

    1. The description for this forum is "Help with the Windows operating system". Your topic doesn't really have anything to do with the Windows O/S.

    2. Could your post be any more vague? How did the Admin block a site? Software? Firewall? GPO restriction in an AD environment? Why did he block the site? This last question leads me to point #3...

    3. Sounds like you're trying to circumvent a policy of your administrator. Don't. I'm almost positive that this board doesn't allow soliciting or discussing advice/methods/etc. of such activities.

      8 days later

      But I did that it will not be possible to do so

      Anything and everything is possible.

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