Picked her up this morning. Quite impressed.

Im a little lost though, anyone know any decent tutorial sites? Im not even sure how to install / uninstall software. Ive managed to fiond the applications directory but I assume there is more to uninstalling then simply trashing stuff from here.

Also... I didn't get any disks, but I did find an older system folder with OS 8.6 in it. Im currently running OS 9.2. Just wondering if there is any way of rebuilding this thing without the disks?

Also... does anyone know if OS X would run on this thing? I might be able to get my hands on that from somewhere if it will work.

    I don't think OS X will work well, but it should work. As far as I know, OS X is for mainly G4+ but a G3 could run it....

    As for installing/uninstalling... i have no idea... I'm sure it's changed since the time when the monitor was separate from the box 😉

      bah.. The more I think about it, I'll probably just end up playing with it for a while then throwing Gentoo Linux on it anyway.

        Also... does anyone know how to get to the terminal in this thing? Do I need to install some sort of xterm or something? I thought these were maent to be unix based, but can't find a shell anywhere.

        Id'e hate to be stuck using this thing..... Documentation is virtually non existent. Maybe Im just spoilt.

          OS X is 'Nix-based. OS 9.2 isn't, AFAIK; I'm willing to stand corrected, of course.

          All my Macs do is act as paperweights, unfortunately. But, then, I've nothing so "new" as a G3 .... 😉

            Isn't there a MacTerminal application on it?

              If you know what you're doing in DOS, you can recover any file

              The same could be said for any *nix environment....

              But funny video none the less....

                The same could be said for any *nix environment....


                  am I wrong?

                  Sorry... I completely missed the quote in your your post. I thought you were commenting on the entire video and saying you could say that about any *nix based system

                  My bad. And no.... you are completely correct.

                    Sorry... I completely missed the quote in your your post. I thought you were commenting on the entire video and saying you could say that about any nix based system

                    No... I know that you can't say that much bad shit about a
                    nix environment.... it's not the easiest to work in if you're new or not a saavy user, that's why Mac and windows are popular 😉

                    I've got a laptop now... so I'll prolly be puttin Kanotix on my desktop as a dual boot with Windows....

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