thanks for reply.
$_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] doesn't give any output.


    check out all the predefined $_SERVER variables here

      $SERVER[REMOTE_HOST] doesn't give any output.

      $SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] gives local host's address( )as output. but i need client's ip address(192...*).

        when i use $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; i get my IP address..

        however, the ip address that you may have been told of by your ISP and the one that requests page information may be different if you use proxy or routers, etc..

          i have checked all server variables.
          <center><b>Server variables</b></center>
          GATEWAY_INTERFACE = <?php echo $SERVER['GATEWAY_INTERFACE']; ?> <br>
          SERVER_ADDR = <?php echo $
          SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; ?> <br>
          SERVER_NAME = <?php echo $SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?> <br>
          SERVER_SOFTWARE = <?php echo $
          SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']; ?> <br>
          SERVER_PROTOCOL = <?php echo $SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']; ?> <br>
          REQUEST_METHOD = <?php echo $
          SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; ?> <br>
          REQUEST_TIME = <?php echo $SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; ?> <br>
          QUERY_STRING = <?php echo $
          SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; ?> <br>
          DOCUMENT_ROOT = <?php echo $SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; ?> <br>
          HTTP_ACCEPT = <?php echo $
          SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']; ?> <br>
          HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET = <?php echo $SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET']; ?> <br>
          HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = <?php echo $
          SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']; ?> <br>
          HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = <?php echo $SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']; ?> <br>
          HTTP_CONNECTION = <?php echo $
          SERVER['HTTP_CONNECTION']; ?> <br>
          HTTP_HOST = <?php echo $SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?> <br>
          HTTP_REFERER = <?php echo $
          SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; ?> <br>
          HTTP_USER_AGENT = <?php echo $SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; ?> <br>
          HTTPS = <?php echo $
          SERVER['HTTPS']; ?> <br>
          REMOTE_ADDR = <?php echo $SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?> <br>
          REMOTE_HOST = <?php echo $
          SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']; ?> <br>
          REMOTE_PORT = <?php echo $SERVER['REMOTE_PORT']; ?> <br>
          SCRIPT_FILENAME = <?php echo $
          SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; ?> <br>
          SERVER_ADMIN = <?php echo $SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']; ?> <br>
          SERVER_PORT = <?php echo $
          SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; ?> <br>
          SERVER_SIGNATURE = <?php echo $SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE']; ?> <br>
          PATH_TRANSLATED = <?php echo $
          SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']; ?> <br>
          SCRIPT_NAME = <?php echo $SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; ?> <br>
          REQUEST_URI = <?php echo $
          SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> <br>
          PHP_AUTH_DIGEST = <?php echo $SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']; ?> <br>
          PHP_AUTH_USER = <?php echo $
          SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; ?> <br>
          PHP_AUTH_PW = <?php echo $SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; ?> <br>
          AUTH_TYPE = <?php echo $
          SERVER['AUTH_TYPE']; ?> <br>

          by executing the above PHP codes, i got output as

                                                 Server variables

          SERVER_ADDR =
          SERVER_NAME = localhost
          SERVER_SOFTWARE = Apache/1.3.23 (Win32)
          SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.1
          REQUEST_TIME =
          QUERY_STRING =
          DOCUMENT_ROOT = c:/apache/htdocs
          HTTP_ACCEPT = /
          HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = gzip, deflate
          HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = en-us
          HTTP_CONNECTION = Keep-Alive
          HTTP_HOST = localhost
          HTTP_REFERER =
          HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
          HTTPS =
          REMOTE_ADDR =
          REMOTE_HOST =
          REMOTE_PORT = 1642
          SCRIPT_FILENAME = c:/apache/php/php.exe
          SERVER_ADMIN = admin@localhost
          SERVER_PORT = 80
          Apache/1.3.23 Server at localhost Port 80

          PATH_TRANSLATED = c:\apache\htdocs\test4.php
          SCRIPT_NAME = /php/php.exe
          REQUEST_URI = /test4.php
          PHP_AUTH_DIGEST =
          PHP_AUTH_USER =
          PHP_AUTH_PW =
          AUTH_TYPE =

          please help me to figure out what is going wrong with my codes.

            5 days later
            echo ' Client IP: ';
            if ( isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) )	{
            	echo '' . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . ' ';
            } else if ( isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) )	{
            	echo '' . $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] . ' ';
            } else if ( isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]) )	{
            	echo '' . $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"] . ' ';

              The reason you're getting from REMOTE_ADDR is because that is your remote address. If you type in http://localhost/ into your browser, you're using the loopback interface This interface is entirely separate from your actual LAN address of 192.x.x.x that you're expecting.

              If you type in (using your real internal IP instead), you'll see returned. Why? Because you're connecting to Apache on a totally different interface.

                a year later

                I use this function :

                function getIP() {
                if (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"))
                $ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");
                else if(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"))
                $ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");
                else if(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"))
                $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
                $ip = "UNKNOWN";
                return $ip;


                refer :

                  4 months later

                  none of these _SERVER things worked for me either. but this did:

                  $joe = apache_request_headers();
                  echo $joe['PC-Remote-Addr'];

                    2 months later

                    Hi bradgrafelman

                      Am also getting same problem in getting Ipaddress... I tried my internal it ([url]http://192.168[/url]...) instead ([url]http://localhost/[/url]) bur stil am getting result as like that..

                    wat is solution for this..

                      3 months later

                      hi chramya,

                      Are you connecting to apache from the same machine were apache is installed?

                      If you are doing this, you may check the following:
                      from command prompt type command (windows):
                      route print
                      it shows the route table, which will see something like that:

                      Network Destiny Netmask Gateway Interface Metrica
                      default gateway:

                      if you see a line on your ip have as a gateway, your connection to apache goes throught loopback (

                      Try to connect from other machine or put your web on a server (out of your local network) and try again.


                        8 months later

                        [SIZE="3"]Hi i would like to kwon how can i see others IP from a mail I´ve recieved


                          a year later

                          try this dude.

                          first pack in a variable like so.

                          and to use it where you want do this

                          <?PHP echo $ip; ?>

                          and there you have it.

                          also if you are testing it on your local server it will give you ip as this is the local host ip. tru it on the net from another PC.

                          Good luck

                            I certainly hope he's had time to solve his issue in the two years since his last post.

                              6 months later

                              $ip= $REMOTE_ADDR;
                              echo " Your ip address: " . GetHostByName($ip);

                                3 months later

                                This script will assign the clients IP to a varrible so you can store it a database or just easily echo out the users IP addess. Hope this was help full!

                                if ( isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) )    { 
                                $ip=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . ' '; 
                                } else if ( isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) )    { 
                                $ip=$_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] . ' '; 
                                } else if ( isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]) )    { 
                                $ip=$_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"] . ' '; 
                                echo 'Clients IP  Address: ' . $ip;

                                  This script will assign the clients IP to a varrible so you can store it a database or just easily echo out the users IP addess. Hope this was help full! check out my site im building.

                                  if ( isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ) { 
                                  $ip=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . ' '; 
                                  } else if ( isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) ) { 
                                  $ip=$_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] . ' '; 
                                  } else if ( isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]) ) { 
                                  $ip=$_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"] . ' '; 
                                  echo 'Clients IP Address: ' . $ip;
                                    a year later
                                    trigg12;10818829 wrote:

                                    I use this function :

                                    refer :

                                    You saved my life with this one, Trigg!
                                    I have user the 'REMOTE_ADDR' variable for years on the same server and suddenly, this started to give server address, not the client.
                                    Does anyone have an idea why this happened? I only tweaked with phptraffic. Maybe it has messed something in the shades?

                                      jeyabala.. try dis..

                                      $ip= $REMOTE_ADDR;
                                      echo "<br> Your ip : " .GetHostByName($ip);