Ive heard of another php development enviroment callled smarty. Has qnyone used it and if so how does it compare to Zend studio?

    sorry my fault, smarty a template engine, zend a IDE. Wrong!!! But i was wandering if anyone has heard of ther type of IDE that mirrors the .NET enviroment with drag and drop?

      25 days later

      there is a php plug in for .NET, not impressed with it yet, but maybe in future it will get better

        21 days later
        tbobker wrote:

        sorry my fault, smarty a template engine, zend a IDE. Wrong!!! But i was wandering if anyone has heard of ther type of IDE that mirrors the .NET enviroment with drag and drop?

        Yeah, dragging and dropping datasets, etc in .NET Studio is pretty cool. Essentially it just writes alot of code for you. You can kind of do that in Zend Studio via snippets (not very original, I know, as many IDEs--even free ones--have snippet features.) Which means--by the way--you can save commonly used code to insert with a click of the button. Although I've never used it. One distinction with ZS snippets is that there is a community of snippet donors whose code is up for grabs. ZS syncs with their Website to update. For the price they ask for ZS though, it should be cooler, no doubt!

          2 years later
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