the php self call or whatever it is is supposd to return the server name ya.
for some reason mine is always returned as 'tfhjgkjhhl' :bemused: does anybody know how i can change this please? im running apache on localhost.
php self
PHP_SELF is the filename of the current sript... it does NOT include the server...
The server name is $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
in that case $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] returns 'tfhjgkjhhl'.
Have you tried $SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ? Better yet, have you gone to the manual page for $SERVER ([man]variables.predefined[/b] should get you started) and looked at the various options?
its alright. i have just found it. it was the ServerName in apache config. for some reason its default setting is 'tfhjgkjhhl'. i searched for this string earlierbut found nothing so i guess i must have mistyped it. i have spent a while going through all of my apache and php installation files. you live and learn
thanks for replies btw