5 years later

Nice to see you still about laserlight! Been busy the last few years myself but still PHPing like a crazy old dawg!

    bunkermaster wrote:

    still PHPing like a crazy old dawg!

    Woohoo, good to see you too!

    I'm now getting paid by someone else to do PHP (and w/e else). No more billing! No more sweeping! No more hardware tickets! 😃

      Woot! I'm starting (again) my freelancing in august! I must be crazy (again)!
      Nice to see y'all old timers still about 😃

        And I'm over 10 months into my first "real" programming job (having been on the QA side of things for a couple decades then a couple years of free-lancing (and being lousy at sales 😉 ).

          7 days later

          Do you like it? I find myself planning to start a company (alone at first). At 39, people look at me like I'm a dinosaur in a tutu when I apply for developer jobs and they are not willing to pay for the experience. I mean, I started PHP in 1999 and coding generally in 1983. Worth nothing in France. So I decided to fly on my own at the end of august. I have the customers and I have my own projects!

            11 days later

            Well, Bunkermaster ... my problem was that I was smart enough to fix things, write code, and personable enough to convince some people that I was worth paying.

            But I knew nothing about marketing, customer retention (except the "being nice" and "fixing things" part), hiring, and about a million other things a (typically) successful business depends on having in order to be competitive.

            (And, at 45, I have to laugh about the "dinosaur in a tutu" thing. If my boss were any younger, he'd probably think the same thing. But he has about 3 decades more than I do ;-)

              Guess you too are familiar with the "I can't seriously consider putting you under the supervision of a project manager with 2 years experience... You'd eat him up" line then. What saddens me is that it will only get worse with time.

                @ dalescop:

                45? You young whipper-snapper. 😉

                  14 days later
                  6 days later

                  Indeed it has ... pretty much 😉

                  How is Stolzy these days?

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