according to this website:
"To use PHP's OpenSSL support you must also compile PHP --with-openssl[=DIR]."

What does that mean? On Windows how do I compile PHP '--with-openssl[=DIR]' and what goes in where it says '[=DIR]?'

    is --with-openssl a linux command? If so, what program is it associated with?

      Did you even compile the PHP source in the first place, or just download the binaries? I'm betting you did the latter of the two.

      In that case, did you read 2 lines lower (where it says "Note to Win32 Users:' in nice bolded text)? All that you need to do is make sure the DLL files are in the PATH environment variable (I usually add 'c:\php' to the PATH variable and move all DLLs into that main c:\php\ folder). After you do that, just uncomment the extension=php_openssl.dll line in your php.ini file.

        The PHP install that I am working with is one that I used downloaded binaries rather than me compiling the source code myself. However, I was under the impression that I will need to compile the source code in order to get ssl to work. Even though that page says that Win32 users need to do some additional things to get the OpenSSL functions to work, it did not say that they don't have to compile the code. First it said that compiling the code '--with-openssl[=DIR]' was necessary, then it had a note for Win32 users. As opposed to having 2 different sections, one for Linux and one for Win 32. Anyway I already have the required files in my PATH. Is there anyone here that has used OpenSSL on Win 32 with PHP, who would know whether or not I need to recompile the code? In the mean time, I would like to try compiling it with that option (if that is possible) to see if I can get it working, but I don't know how to compile it with that (or any) extension.

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