Name: Charles Reace
Age: Too old to tell you, but it rhymes with "nifty"
Kids names/ages: N/A
Pets types/names: Dog: Noggin
Meaning behind your username: Wanted to use the screen name "Noggin" for an on-line game (WWII-online), but it was taken, so I settled for "NogDog" which is what my sister-in-law sometimes calls Noggin
Favorite quote: (See my sig)
Most valued posession: Not counting Noggin, my Getzen Eterna "Severinsen" model Bb Trumpet (large bore, silver plate, had it since 1974)
Fav type of music: Romantic era through 20th century symphonic works ... ummm ... no, make that modern (post-swing-era) big band jazz ... ummm ... no, make that '70s progressive rock ... ummmm... no, make that Baroque brass choir ... ummm ... make that all sorts of stuff, but especially if it has trumpets featured in it.
Favorite movie: "Zulu"
Favorite computer game: "Formula 1 Grand Prix"
Favorite computer program: ENWGS (worked on it for 9 years at CSC)
Did OJ do it? Probably
Type of car you drive: '57 Chevy Belaire
Type of car you really drive (the truth please): '96 Toyota RAV4
Next vacation, length & destination: Probably Chicago, don't know when
If you have could any superpower in the world, what would it be, and why? A one-time ability to predict the next winning Powerball numbers
Unique talent: The ability to type accurately on my notebook PC while it sits on a tray next to the sofa as I relax in a semi-reclined position while simultaneously watching TV
Most embarrassing moment: That time in college when I was too drunk to ... ummm ... stay awake.
Write a sentence that ends with 'about 5 inches.' If you break a ruler about half an inch from the middle, one of the halves will be about 5 inches.

Years in the industry: Wait ... I have to take off my socks to do the addition. (I was sort of in the business starting in 1983 when I worked as a text editor and then customer rep. in one of the first computerized typesetting companies. In '86 I got a job with CSC as a software tester.)
Background: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music Education, Miami Univ., '78 (so go figure)
Focus of work: Anything I can get right now
Which platform do you use: Windows at home, FreeBSD on my web site
Fav PHP editor/IDE: HTML-Kit (It's what I'm used to.)
What's your favorite PHP function/why? preg_replace(), because it's so useful and in the right situation is totally unreadable by the unitiated
Tips for the noob:

Why do you volunteer your time as a moderator? Because JPync asked me nicely

Free for all (anything you'd like to say): Fear The Luggage!!!

    Getzen Eterna "Severinsen" model Bb Trumpet (large bore, silver plate, had it since 1974)

    I bet that has a nice sound!!! Both of my brothers have silver Strads (Stradivarius), and I have a lowly Yamaha Pro Alto Sax.... 🙁

      I tried a Bach Strad. for awhile when I thought my Getzen had seen the last of its useful days, but it just never felt right; so I took my Getzen in for a complete overhaul and have stuck with it ever since.

      I also have a Flip Oakes "Wild Thing" Bb cornet, gold-plated no less. Very nice when I don't want that "in your face" sound of the trumpet.

        bradgrafelman wrote:

        ...Goooood dog! 😃

        Where's my "cookie"?

          Dog's don't get cookies... that's human food... dog's get doggie treats.

          Now, Stay.... places treat on nose ... Stay ... turns back ... GO!!

          My neighbors dog would do that... can yours?

            I call Milkbones "cookies". It's one of Noggin's favorite words/phrases, along with "supper", "pig's ear", and "do you want to go for a ride?" He gets no "people food", unless you call the occasional ice cube "people food".

            Noggin doesn't do many tricks. He's pretty good with sit, down, shake, and dance (turn around in a circle); especially if he suspects there's a treat in the offing, but especially not if there is no obvious sign of a food reward but there are signs of cats, dogs, squirrels, children, etc. in the area.


              Our dog (Tippi (Spitz, Chau, Dauchsund mix)) will greet us on her hind legs with two front paws high in the air. She is 15 and still walks on her hind legs, dances (turns 360 degrees on hind legs), sits pretty (sits and pulls front paws up and back), and still plays around.

              Now, our cat will go nuts over the squirrels, birds, and chipmunks outside 😉

                I think photos should be required. 🙂

                Mine isn't linked anymore, but you can search on the web for my real name and you'll find it, along with a few others here.

                  --SORRY, Accidental Double Post, mode please delete this post--

                    Write a sentence that ends with 'about 5 inches.' If you break a ruler about half an inch from the middle, one of the halves will be about 5 inches.

                    I love that! Nice work here, Nog.

                      JPnyc wrote:

                      I was a working musician for most of my life. Here's me at my last night of work at the Marriiott Marquis in Times Sq. The tune is "Sweet Sue"


                      Hey, JP, which one is you?

                        That was my first guess. 🙂

                        Have you ever met Chuck Anderson? He's the son of a good friend of my father, and has played and taught jazz guitar in the Philly/NYC/AC area for years. (I've only met him a couple times, many years ago.)

                          No, can't say I have. I didn't get to meet too many guitarists as a working class musician in NY. There's very rarely more than 1 of them on a job. I can count on one hand the number of black tie jobs where I wasn't the only guitarist. Now playing in rock clubs, that's another matter. There it was usually 2 of us on guit.

                            Yeah, I can see you probably wouldn't play the same gigs, just thought maybe you'd run into him at a "guitar convention" or something, or maybe even studied with him at some point. Thought it might be one of those cool "It's a small world" or "6 degrees of separation" things. 🙂

                              Guitar conventions for me would mean the local pub 😃

                                11 years later
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