Name: Charles Reace
Age: Too old to tell you, but it rhymes with "nifty"
Kids names/ages: N/A
Pets types/names: Dog: Noggin
Meaning behind your username: Wanted to use the screen name "Noggin" for an on-line game (WWII-online), but it was taken, so I settled for "NogDog" which is what my sister-in-law sometimes calls Noggin
Favorite quote: (See my sig)
Most valued posession: Not counting Noggin, my Getzen Eterna "Severinsen" model Bb Trumpet (large bore, silver plate, had it since 1974)
Fav type of music: Romantic era through 20th century symphonic works ... ummm ... no, make that modern (post-swing-era) big band jazz ... ummm ... no, make that '70s progressive rock ... ummmm... no, make that Baroque brass choir ... ummm ... make that all sorts of stuff, but especially if it has trumpets featured in it.
Favorite movie: "Zulu"
Favorite computer game: "Formula 1 Grand Prix"
Favorite computer program: ENWGS (worked on it for 9 years at CSC)
Did OJ do it? Probably
Type of car you drive: '57 Chevy Belaire
Type of car you really drive (the truth please): '96 Toyota RAV4
Next vacation, length & destination: Probably Chicago, don't know when
If you have could any superpower in the world, what would it be, and why? A one-time ability to predict the next winning Powerball numbers
Unique talent: The ability to type accurately on my notebook PC while it sits on a tray next to the sofa as I relax in a semi-reclined position while simultaneously watching TV
Most embarrassing moment: That time in college when I was too drunk to ... ummm ... stay awake.
Write a sentence that ends with 'about 5 inches.' If you break a ruler about half an inch from the middle, one of the halves will be about 5 inches.
Years in the industry: Wait ... I have to take off my socks to do the addition. (I was sort of in the business starting in 1983 when I worked as a text editor and then customer rep. in one of the first computerized typesetting companies. In '86 I got a job with CSC as a software tester.)
Background: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music Education, Miami Univ., '78 (so go figure)
Focus of work: Anything I can get right now
Which platform do you use: Windows at home, FreeBSD on my web site
Fav PHP editor/IDE: HTML-Kit (It's what I'm used to.)
What's your favorite PHP function/why? preg_replace(), because it's so useful and in the right situation is totally unreadable by the unitiated
Tips for the noob:
Why do you volunteer your time as a moderator? Because JPync asked me nicely
Free for all (anything you'd like to say): Fear The Luggage!!!