I'm still quite a noob when it comes to programming and web development and so forth. I've limped along pretty well learning PHP and MySQL. I love it.
But now I'm getting close to launching my websites and there's been a problem I've had in Dreamweaver I can no longer ignore. The problem is this: I've changed the default PHP folder from htdocs to a folder I created called "Web Pages". Since this is the only folder that the server is pointed to for rendering PHP pages, I've had to create all of my Dreamweaver sites under this folder.
So lets say that that I have sites (folders) A, B, C, and D all created under the folder Web Pages. Lets say I'm working on site "A". I open the Site Manager in DW for Site A and I've set the site to the following:
Local Info:
[INDENT]Local Root Folder: Web Pages/Site A[/INDENT]
[INDENT]HTTP Address: Localhost[/INDENT]
Testing Server:
[INDENT]Testing Server Folder: Web Pages/Site A[/INDENT]
Results with this configuration when I try to preview the web page: Object Not Found!!!
So when I point the Testing Server Folder using the actual path, the pages of the website can't be found. But when I change the testing server folder to the following...
Local Info:
[INDENT]Local Root Folder: Web Pages/Site A[/INDENT]
[INDENT]HTTP Address: Localhost[/INDENT]
Testing Server:
[INDENT]Testing Server Folder: Web Pages[/INDENT]
...the web pages come right up when I preview them.
But that's not the end of it. When I do pull the pages up under this configuration, the pages that I've pulled up are copied into the Web Pages folder. So these pages are originally contained in Site A, then I preview them, then they get duplicated (not moved) into the Web Pages folder.
I must be fundamentally not understanding something about folder management. I'm probably doing more than one thing wrong, too. Any advice?