Anyone getting the flood defences out? Our part of the world is on high flood alert, and we had some council workers handing out sandbags to the street!
PHPBuilders in Southern England
Wow.. is England so flooded that they can't even keep their pages a-float Cuz that link is sunk!!
... I crack myself up sometimes ...
Stay dry!!
Aside from getting soaked on the way to work on Friday, it's not too bad in Guildford. In fact, decidedly sunny today. I'm lucky enough to be just outside the border of Sutton water area. They had their water being contaminated by rain over the weekend!
One of my friends works in a call centre that helps with computer systems. They keep getting phone calls saying things like;
'my computer is underwater - what do i do?'
ctrl + alt + del should do the job.
I live in Oxford and work in Reading, both areas are affected. I've had to drive to work instead of getting the train, which is a bit annoying, but not too bad so far.
MarkR wrote:I live in Oxford and work in Reading, both areas are affected. I've had to drive to work instead of getting the train, which is a bit annoying, but not too bad so far.
(Possibly a UK only joke)
Oxford? I thought this was aimed at people in the South
Heh I live in Reading. The Thames runs past the bottom of the road I live on. Right now there are some guys in yellow jackets making 'tsk' and 'oh dear' kinds of noises in the river's general direction
I will be the first to sacrifice George W. on behalf of the U.S. You can use all that hot-air he has to evaporate the flooding.... wait... if his response to Katrina is any indication on how he handles natural disasters.... maybe you can just use him as a flood-gate