Hi all,

Just wanna share this piece of software with you lot,

Ive tried many different IDE enviroment apps to help me code but I always go back to the ol fashioned way of doing everything myself. Thats the way I like it.

Its support syntax highlighting for almost all scripting, database launguages.
It has full tree driectory listing just like Windows explorer, multiple tabs for working on many different pages at once.

its available for free download and use at http://sourceforge.net

Try it out,
works like a bomb and its all I use nowa days.

    I never really got onto the Notepad++ boat.... I found EditPlus before Notepad++ and I just loved E+ from the start. Although, I recently found e and that is a really nice package as well.

    None of what I use is free, but of the free resources, Notepad++ is one I'd go with.

      Since this is pretty much a "use the editor I use!" thread, to be fair, I must link to our Editor used for PHP thread.

      That said, Notepad++ is my default text editor. However, I do find that some IDEs (e.g., Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, NetBeans) make one somewhat more productive for the languages/platforms they were designed to best support.

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