I'm trying to find the name of the current class when calling a static method. To illustrate, let me define a few classes:
abstract class AbstractClass
public function foo()
return class_name($this);
# class_name(); gives just "AbstractClass"
public static function bar()
return class_name($this);
class ConcreteClassOne extends AbstractClass
public function test_non_static()
return foo(); # gives "ConcreteClassOne"
public static function test_static()
# doesn't work because there's not an instance of the class, obviously
# However, I would like to find a way of getting "ConcreteClassOne" as the return value in this context
return bar();
class ConcreteClassTwo extends AbstractClass
public function test_non_static()
return foo(); # gives "ConcreteClassTwo"
public static function test_static()
# See above
return bar();
Any ideas on how to get the desired behavior? Being able to do this would really "DRY up" my code, but I can't seem to find a way to do it--nothing that I've googled for or tried has yielded any results so far.